The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)

81 Automobiles The Missouf ion, Tuesday, November 2, 5 63 Building Materials 59 Miscellaneous Articles WWVWW vwv www ivVW vvwvvA DENNIS THE MENACE friiiiniiriggggggggttngwggggggggggi 81 Automobiles SUPER rH- Jin I I 73 Mobile Homes A.AAAAAA' Matelich Trailer Sales BREAKS The Price Barrier On 12-Wide Mobile Homes NEW MOON Nation's Best Seller To be first place la sales for the last 4 years, must bate good quality a0 engineer to and pnoed right, aome el the features tn New Mooa are llfa-Umi eilerlor finish, l-lneh walls, natural trood paneling, so-gallao gas water beater, large gas rurneoe, storms, name-brand ooloree appliance, dsluxe furniture, plumbed tat washer, double insulation, eta. 47x10 2-bedroom $4,395 57x10 2 or 3-bedroom $5,395 47x12 2-bedroom $5,395 57x12 2 or 3-bedroom $5,995 EVEN LESS-WITIIOUT TRADE SEE THE EXCITING 'M MODELS Highway 10 543-3044 44 til J- WHEN I SAID HE WAS A SfJAPPlM' TUPTLE ANNUAL FALL CLEARANCE TRAVEL TRAILERS To clean our lot for new 1964 merchandise. We are offering big discounts on what 1965 stock we have left. shastas, 13', save 1 Go-Lite, 17', Sava $300 4 Sheataa, 16', Save $.100 2 Shaslas. 18', Sue $400 1 Shasta.

20', Save $500 1 Alrstream, 17', Save $500 1 Travel-Eze. 2', Save $600 Now showing home models 19M Air-stream, Sliver streak, TrevelEse and Holiday Ramblers. THE TRAILER MART 1338 w. uroaaway i MATELICH TRAILER SALES We sell quality Eestem-Bullt Homes to guarantee you satisfaction. Our factories cut freight rates to compete with West ern Built.

It costs no more to buy the best, New Moon. Marlette, Bchult, Marshfleld, Continental, American. House of Harmony. Homette. 20 wide bouses tn Marlette and New Moon.

24' wide houses tn Marshfirld Continental. Tra vel trailers in Aristocrat, Streamline, Trail Blazer. Concord. 100T recondi tioned used Mobile Homes. Trailer parts and towing.

Used furniture and appliance store on sales lot. We'll buy your trailer for cash. See the exciting '66 models. Highway 10 543-3044 FOR RENT: Campers, 14', 16', hunters, travelers, day, week; 543-4974. TRAIL'S END COURT spaces.

adults, close In: 1920 Trail. OR TRADE, 1964 Van Dyke 10x55; low paymenta; 21 71 '4 Davidson. TRAILER 8PACES. natural gas, plenty room, no dogs; 549-2533. HUNTING TRAILER, propane hut, $150: 549-4370.

74 Auto Parts, Service VWVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATXAAAAAAAAA MOTORS FOR SALE '51 Olds V-8, rebuilt, solid lifters; '51 Chrysler 3. OK; OHV Ford 6, 223 short block, needs overhaul; Ford 4-eyl. 223 complete, needs overhaul; Chev. V-8 263, needa overhaul; '56 Powerglide needs overhaul; 543-4887 after 5. 75 Pickups, Trucks WWAAAAAWWWVWWAAAAAAAAA '58 MACK truck, B61 tandem axle, good shape; '57 International TD24, 241 series, bulldozer, rebuilt rolls and idlers; phone 822-3601, Darby, after 6 p.m.

COMPLETE BEARING SERVICE Bearings, Seals, Clutch Bearings NORTHERN BEARING COMPANY 736 S. 1st ATTENTION: For sale with small down payment. 1962 Chev. panel truck, A-1 condition, below wholesale; 549. 1637 after 5:30 for details.

OR TRADE for equity in house. 1963 jeep uumy wagon, e-wneei onve. rectory Installed Wagoneer engine; 548- 5600. '59 GMC 1-ton truck, 2'a-yd. dump box, good rubber, good condition; Gale Abrams, S.

end Florence 81 Automobiles CRAZY? '63 Falcon 4-door wagon. A clean new car trade-in, new tires, high book $1,390, low book $1,015. 'Vaughn's crazy price just $793 VAUGHN'S Missoula Oldest tied Car Dealer Since IM7 12J4 W. Broadway TAXES '62 Chev. 6, 2-door sedan, stick shift.

A new car trade-in. Runs perfect Vaughn's help you pay your taxes. Price just $695 VAUGHN'S Missoula i Oldest Peed Car Dealer Sine 11ST 1230 W. Broadway CAR-PICKUP BARGAINS 1S58 INT. PICKUP 4 $1,195 Newly overhauled, hubs 1983 INT.

SCOUT 4 WD. USDS Full top, hubs, posliractlon. FORD OALAXIE 4-DOOR I 5 A reel sharp unit. 1980 DODOE 3-DOOR I 33 Hardtop, Real Clean PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR 1 A good going-to-work car. mi PONTIAC WAGON.

$-PASS Air full power, sharp. EVEN LESS WITHOUT A TRADE-IN Matelich Trailer Sales 10 W. 543-3044 Hwy, WARREN HARRIS BUICK HONORS CONOCO AND UNION 78 CREDIT CARDS For Repairs and Service 1961 CORVAIR "700" A good ana, $754 Plymouth. S41-40ST OLNEY MOTORS VILLAGE CAR CENTER Buy-Sell Quality Cars 44 FORD XL 500, bueket seats. 390 eu.

In. engine, power steering, power brakes, eutomatto transmission, 2345 Harker: 543-7343. AUTO SALES ATTENTION: Top for older cars, pickups; South $3 Strip. MISSOULA SPORT CENTER Highway W. 543-8277 PARK AUTO SALES QUALITY USED CARS, PICKUPS BEHIND HELLO ATE TRADING POST 301 CHEVY shortblock, ram Induction manifold and carba for Chevy and magneto, $96; 549-1314 after p.m.

AND SALES. Highway 14 West. 549-6461, We sell quality used ears quality campers, quality trailers. THE CAR MART Lloyd Denham Sandy Durrant 1147 W. Broadway.

443-8481 Spartan Lincoln-Mercury 2704 BROOKS. S3 SOUTH AUTO WHOLESALE WE BUY. SELL CLEAN CARS 2824 $1 STRIP. 543-1353 WAKLEY MOTORS Wl BUY OSED CARS CARS FOR LESS AT VAUGHN'S CASH FOR CLEAN CARS. TRUCKS $3 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1801 Brooks 1938 OLDSMOBILE Holiday Coupe, runs good, needs soma tinkering, $200, or 549-4894.

'5 CHEVY IMPALA 2 door hsrdtop, beautiful black with red Interior; 1324 8. 8th 843-7044. SO CORVAIR 700, excellent condition, extra snow tires and chains; 349-7177, 405 S. 5th St. W.

MUST SACRIFICE 1960 Plymouth V-S 4-ar. automatic 09 Rollins, $49-52 60. '62 VOLKSWAGEN; 549-7140 CHEV. wagon -with carrier, stick, good tires, top shape; 54-lsJ. FOR BALE, '64 Chevy Impala V-8.

automatic; '47 DeSOTO, good radio, $100: $43-7744. 81 Automobiles i 58 Antiques yWWVAAAAAAAAAAAA VISIT the ANTIQUE NOOK In the Furniture Exchange Store, 817 S. Higgint, open 1 m. to 5:30 p.m.. Moo.

thru Sat. ANTIQUES; Van Ostrand. miles west of Lolo. Lewis-Clark Highway BRASS BEDS, $190 Ea. $49-8162 59 Miscellaneous Articles USED WASHERS, refrigerators, stert-llied.

tested, guaranteed 30-90 days. From (It; 543-7211, THE MERCANTILE. TOYS! TOYS! TOYS! Good Selection Cood Merchandise WESTERN MONTANA CO-OP 15 CU. FT, freezer, used months tor Ice atorage. list $209, sale price.

$169; WESTERN MONTANA CO-OP. SCHWDJN BICYCLE SALES AND SERVICE: LUCEY'S BICYCLE SHOP, 2021 8. Hlgglns $43-3331. VACUUM CLEANER CLINIC Parts, service and rebuilding. All makes; 817 S.

Hlgglns, 549-6061. WANT TO BUY OR SELL used furnitures OERHARDT FLOORS. 1358' W. Broadway. 542-2243.

COMPACT cleaners, parts, repairs and service. Authorised Dealer; 549-6061. (17 8 Hlgglns r7E BUY good used furniture; FURNI-TURE EXCHANGE, 817 S. Hlgglns, 549-4061. CO-OP shock absorbers and mufflers, priced right: WESTERN MONTANA CO-OP.

COAL, fuel oil, gasoline, self-serve car wash; phone 543-3662; 1358 W. Broadway. ROLLAWAY BED, excellent condition; Sunday or after 5 p.m.. 543-6188. STYLE-MATE Ziff-Zag Mwinff mstcbin bySINCER Does deeorativ stitching manda, overcast Exclusive drop-In bobbin la front of the) noodle Easy switch to tig-sag as illustrated (modal 327) Open Friday till 8 SINGER SEWING CENTER 215 E.

Broadway 549-1612 USED TV SETS $20 And Up BIG BROADWAY MISSOULA. MONTANA FOR SALE at the Valley ReSale Shop In Stevensvllle, this week, refrigerators. washing machines, dressers, chest of drawers, dinette sets, chairs, utiles, cribs, mangles, complete beds, double and single: electric sewing machine. Radios, TVs. lota of dishes, pots and pans, small appliances, some antiques, some good clothing at reduced prices, open 12-5 p.m., every Tues.

through Saturday. ELECTRIC steak broiler, $225: Toast- master electric range aection. like new, $100: 4-slice electrie toaster, $75; 3 spindle Multi-Mixer, $75; glass door reach-In refrigerator; Ice cube ma chine, $123; 110-lb. capacity automatic les machine, small cube, excellent condition, $485: ROCKY MTN. FREEZ ER, 1635 South Aev.


HANNAH'S HUSBAND. Hector, hates hard work so he cleans the rugs with Blue Lustre. Rent electrie shampooer. Western Auto. Holiday Village.

60-A Industrial Equipment JWWWWWWWWVWWWWWWVA D-4 CAT, 7-foot bucket, regular blade and brush blade, winch: see at 3605 Minneapolis $4,000. SMALL International dtesel erawler tractor, good shape; 543-3726. 60-6 Logging Equipment JVAAAAAAAAA.V VAAVAA A A. VWWWVAA D-4 CAT with hydraulic angle blade and winch, new tracks. Excellent condition; phone Hamilton 961-3565 evenings.

60-C Construction AAAAAWWWAV AAVWWAAAA AAAAA MUST SELL good 35-ton tandem Lowboy trailer, ph. 846-2747 after p.m., 105 N. Second. Deer Lodge, Montana. 61 Wont To Buy VWWVWWWXAAAA.

vAAAAAAAAAAAAA WANTED FOR RESEARCH. liver flukes from elk and deer livers, in clean water, $1.00 each for the first 50 if delivered within 3 days. Prof. Rowan, Zoology Department, Health Sciences Rm. 103 or 308.

MOVING? Or just surplus Items getting in your way. CALL WOOD'S 2nd HAND for top prices. We are not going out of business; 543-5896. Want Deer and Elk Hides 549-7043 or 549-7896 DO YOU HAVE salable used items to sell? Call ACTION AUCTION, 549-9987. for tree pickup for auetlon or will buy outright.

REFRIGERATORS, appliances and furniture; DALY'S FURNITURE. 549-2241. AAAAAAAAAA SPAffTAtf '65 Lincoln Continental SAVE full power with air conditioning New ear warranty. TWO '65 Mercurys SAVE Huge savings! '64 Ford Galaxie $1,995 I. radio, automatic, Ilka pew, '63 Volkswagen $1,395 3 Door sedan, erf tin puff, 63 Chevy Monza $1,445 Business woman's ear.

'62 Comet Wagon $1,295 Radio, automatic. I '62 Dodge 4-Door 795 1 Radio, heater, automatic. '62 Scout $1,495 4- Wheeler, aleaa, real sharp. '61 Econoline 795 The pickup. '61 Greenbrier 895 '61 Mercury Meteor 895 4-Door, radio, heater, automatic '61 Plymouth 4-Door 495 '60 Corvalr 795 Cream puff! '59 Chevy Impala 795 Radio, healer, automatic.

Steal this one. '59 Mercury 2-Door 695 Sedan, low price. '59 Oldsmobile 777 Radio, heater, automatic. Clean. '59 Mercury Parklane 695 Full power.

'58 Rambler 4-Door 444 Radio, heater, standard. '58 Mercury 2-Door 295 Radio, heater, automatic. '58 Lincoln 895 4-Door, power. '57 Mercury 2-Door 222 Steal this! FREE TURKEY 12-14 with each new or used car purchased from now 'til November 25. Fall Specials 65 Saab 96 Sedan 65 Mustang 64 Buick LcSabre 63 Ford Country Sedan 61 Chrysler N-Yorker 60 Chev.

Blscayne 59 DKW Wagon 58 Hlllman Wsgon 57 Cadillac deVille 57 Bulck Super 55 Ford Ranch Wagon FOLSOM'S; 920 81 Automobiles $1,845 $2,345 $2,365 $1,850 985 575 295 345 765 355 145 S. 3rd 59 Miscellaneous Articles vVAAAAAAAA. vvV VAAAAAAV MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE $2.19 3-Lb. Tin 10c Garden Peas $1.00 case 12 303 With taxes going up and as Speaker McCormack says "YOU HAVEN'T SEEN ANYTHING YET" we are trimming tha "calls" and "sales" of our little boat to sell only cases and Vi cases of foods as we buck the current of the Big Government, and Big Business methods of trying to put us "littles" out of business. EEM Welch's Grape 39c 20-oz.

jar $2.00 for 6 jars FOR SPECIAL FRESH CUT FLOWERS DIAL 543-7432 Bitter Root Mkt. 801 8. Higgins FOR ICE MACHINES, It's RCA Whirl-pool with the choice of models that will fit most any lee needs. Self-contained and atack-on units, air and water cooled, cubers, flakers. New and used restaurant equipment, planning service; Clausen Refrigerator 432 N.

Hlgglns. Missoula, 843-5141. YOUR SINGER SEWING CENTER has the greatest selection of used machines, portables, consoles, straight stitch and zig-zag, fully guaranteed. Starting for as little as $9.95. See at the SINGER COMPANY.

215 E. Broadway, phone 549-1611 for a free home demonstration. Open Friday till 9 p.m. NEW bedroom suite, complete with bed, bookcase headboard, box springs, mat tress, chest, mirror, complete only several used beds and Suites; MATELICH TRAILER SALES, Highway 10 West. SEWING MACHINES GUARANTEED Repair Service any make foreign or American Free estimates; Bernina Sewing Machines.

302 S. 6th 549-1536. EXCELLENT, efficient and economical, that's Blue Lustre carpet and uphol stery cleaner. Rent electric shampooer Anaconda Building Materials; 542-2125. BETTER USED WASHERS AND DRYERS AT CLAUSEN'S USED TYPEWRITERS, portables, stand.

ards and electric, large selection to choose from; ANDERS at MILLER COMPANY, corner of 5th and Orange, USED RANGES, CLEANED and CHECKED AT CLAUSEN'S GUARANTEED used refrigerators, washers and dryers. $25 and up. Open afternoons and Saturday: GfeR APPLIANCES. 900 Lincoln. SEE OUR USED APPLIANCES ESTES MATTAO STORE West Broadway Phone 543-7931 10-INCH radial-arm saw.

like new; 4-wheel trailer w-bunks and flatbed rack, $40; ph. 777-5715, Stevensvllle. ANDERSON TRANSFER, phone 543-5462, Interstate moving, we buy and cell second hand furniture. ELECTRIC Jeep winch, 611-24 volt; $150; 549-8628 after (. FAMILY ELECTROLUX sales and service; Matt Whsley.

217 South Ave. ph. 543-6047. Refrigerators for Rent; 549-2223 CHOSE CARPET STORE Wl SOUTH 3RD 543-3671 5SED SNOW TIRES. 13" 14" $2.49 and up; WESTERN MONTANA CO-OP.

ANNOUNCING tha grand opening of a new BUILDKH8 EXCHANGE tn Kail-spell. November 5th ft tb; BUILDERS EXCHANGE. 1I0 Beck. S4Mllt. 71 Pets, Kennels, Supplies ALLENCEAN KENNELS proudly an nounces we oirin 01 (iv rrg.

Oermeti Shepherd puppies to ledy Katrtnka of Allendean. Sire, Bendy Royal Rangert ph. 548-9241. Registered Poodles; 649-7086 WANTED: Female kitten that has bad distemper shots: 541-1710 after I Kittens-Free; 543-5719 AKC BASSET HOUND pupplee. $50; Idel- mar itenueis, roison.

GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, reason able; 541-4455 or $43-5571. 73 Mobile Homes AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAAAAAV SPECIAL 1966 Great Lakes 10x50 Includes 3" flbreglaa ins. la floor and roof plus celotex and vapor barrier; side walls; plumbed for washer; roof vent, door chimes, porch light, deluxe furniture and appliances, storm windows; complete delivery and sal up. ONLY $4,495 RANGITSCH BROS. Highway IS W.

USED BARGAINS 194 22- Pacific Liner 295 1953 Holiday 795 1952 35x5 1-bed Mobile Cruiser $1,095 1955 48x8 2-bed Lone Star 1955 40x 1-bed Flamingo $1,895 1957 40x8 2-bed Nashua $1,895 I960 50x10 J-bed BUtmore 82.895 I960 55xlO-lbed Great Lakes $3,495 COMPLETE CHECK-OUT AND SET-UP LOW DOWN PAYMENT, EAST BANK TERMS. RANGITSCH BROS. Highway It W. WE HAVE SEVERAL 8- and 10-wlde trailers in stock that ean be purchased by taking over former owner's contract plus past due payments and service charges; MATELICH TRAIL ER SALES. Highway 10 Wi 543-3044 '64 2-bedroom deluxe model New Moon.

Pay some equity and take over eon-tract. Payments $86.84. See at West Riverside Mobile Park, behind I wrecking at Mllltown, lot 2. SPACE hi Montana's finest mobile home park. Children welcome, no doge allowed, rates reasonable, cable TV In soon: El-Mar Trailer Village, 549-0881.

CHUCK'S MOBILE HOMES 19M CREST HOME 12x60. 3-bedroom, front kitchen. Save $500 $6,900 Sale Price: 549-7292 or ph. 363-3633, Hamilton. GUY'S MOBILE HOMES ROLLOHOME -DETROITER WEST BROADWAY AT TOOLE AVE.

RANGITSCH BROS. Open Dally a.m. to 4 p.m. Sundays 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Highway 10 West. Missoula 1963 10x50 Great Lakes, 2-bedroom, air conditioned, $700 down, take over payments; El Mar Trailer Village. Kathy Jo. Street No. $.

62 ROLLOHOME, 2-bedroom, excellent condition, will take reasonable offer. See afternoons or evenings; 549-6836 or 543-5522. FOR RENT Trailer spaces, patios awn, wan Miliar, anw adults only, no pets: 543-4234, 2140 sin w. TRAILER SPACE, gas, yard, free laundry. See at 2027 Ellis or call 543-6208.

TRAILER PARKINS, private lot; 542-2097 after 5 weekdays or all day Sunday. FOR RENT: 8' wide, 1-bedroom trailer. See at El Mar Trailer Village or call 342-2671. 1965 14' RECO travel trailer, front end kitchen, chemical toilet, 6x8 bed, $700, 542-2522. TAKE OVER $70 pmta.

on new 10x50 Continental; 549-8990, $-5 weekdays TRAILER SPACES, Nat. gas: HOLLYWOOD COURT, 542-2(74 or 549-9844. FOR RENT: Quiet trailer space, adults or small baby, no pets; S43-3843. TRAILER SPACE FOR RENT, children accepted: Aero Realty, $49-4458. CLEAN '57, 8x35, well storm windows; M.R.C.

STATEWIDE TRAILER TOWING 543-7837 TRAILER 8PACE, 2200 Harker, natural gas, no pets; 543-7360. LARGE private space for trailer, 825 per month; 549-3300. VFW TRAILER COURT, natural gas, patios: 549-7556. '65 MARLETTE 12x60 2-bedroom. Sava; 543-8501.

56 8x45' COMMODORE trailer house; 549-2119. AY DAYS abbreviations as one word box space, please. Refunds when results demand early Rates adjusted according to days needed. FOR DAYS ONLY Ili-Way 10 West JUST PLAIN GOOD 84 CHEVELIE CPE 2 14 White, auto. rAh.

really Clean 84 CORVAIR CONVERT1B1 Blue. 4-spaed. lots of extras 81 CHEV. Bit, AIR, -DR $1,348 Beige. rh.

needs owner. 81 CHEV. II HARDTOP 1 44S B'ige, kiiekets. rh. wsrraated 12 CHEV.

IMPALA 4-DR. $1 441 Metallic finish. pg try HI 41 PONTIAC S. CHIEF 4-DR $1 748 Cream, extra, never a cleaner one RAMBLER 4-DR. WAGON $108 Blue, 4 with rib.

'49 VOLKS BUS 794 Blue, good tires. Coma se! 48 CHEV. IMPALA 4-DR. HDTP. $1 144 Beige, rah.


SCOUT 4X4 61 FORD ECONO VAN 17 DODGE 4-TON 34.4 33 FORD 4-TON 34 MotUp Fisher 849-0414 Jim Porch 54S-MS4 Sterling Oraeter 543-7771 Jack Olbion Don Botteullet 549. 1364 Earl Slack 542-281 Bob Daniel Ma-Mai Lea Farrell 543 Ron Jerome KRAABEL Chevrolet Co. 13 Yeara Salea Leadershhj tB Missoula TAXES "61 Chev. 6. 4-door.

A blue beauty, automatic drive, it's sharp. Vaughn's help you pay your taxes. Price just $695 VAUGHN'S Missoula Oldest Used Car Dealer Smea 1937 1230 W. Broadway 34-TON '52 Chev. 4-ton pickup, 4-speed, stake bed.

Full price just $175 VAUGHN'S Sines 137 1230 W. Broadwey Missoula's Oldest Used Car Dealer 1711 South Leases All Makti. Care Light Trucks 8EE TOM. or PHONE '62 CORVAIR MONZA Black convertible. Radio, excellent tires, plus anow tires.

This car Is tn top condition. One owner since delivery. Selling below book price. CALL 549-1448 BOB RAY'S TRUCK RENTALS VANS AND PICKUPS By Day. Week.

Bouri 549-6411 1964 FORD Galaxie 500 XL. 190 engine. 4-speed. stick, power. I -owner, 8.500 miles, 420 S.

4th E.i 549-4655. MUST SELL. '65 Olds Cutlass epnr'i eoupe. $.500 miles. $49-2547, 1130 Warden Ave.

1954 CHEVY IMPALA loor hardtop. full power, air eond-, prem. tires. 1-' owner; 543-4354. I960 VOLKSWAGEN double cab pickup.

1963 40-h engine, radio, new tires, $795 549-5960, '63 RAMBLER Ambassador 99a floor shift, bucket seats, excellent condition; $43-8109. CHEVY 348. power glide; 543-3434 before 4. 81 Automobiles $2,395 $3,095 $2,395 $2,695 $2,195 $1,895 $1,495 $2,295 $1,695 $1,495 $1,395 $2,095 $1,895 $1,195 795 $1,295 $1,595 $1,295 $1,095 $1,295 Walter Nel 349-2544 Francis Sara 549-3KH Lylo Zimmerman $49-1800 Ray Reynolds Wayne Mowbray 549-6261 rTANO TUNING and repair; Frank Dotl. Baby Grand for sale; 549-5797.

Frigidaire Washer; 543-5509 APPLIANCE rentals; ranges, refriger atom Daly's, 1629 S. 549-2241 FOR SALE: 4 good used 750x14 nylon tires, cheap; 1735 Gerald, 543-4546. STANLEY HOME 549-1721 Xrma O. Scott, 402 So. 3rd W.

PAIR, WHEELS for 1964 Stude pickup; 1 hub eap like new. $10; 543-6494. ELECTRIC RANGE, deluxe model, good condition; 2101 McDonald. KWICKWAY valve refacer (wet), seater and accessories; 549-8343. TtLT BED TRAILER.

6-ton 12-ton eap, low-boy; 543-5059. REFRIGERATORS FOR RENT; 149-9987 I TIRES, 8.00x15x15, $50; 5434333 PIANO TUNING and repair. Call Reed Flnley; 543-4242. FOR SALE, household furniture for four rooms; 818 Ivy. TELESCOPE camper, new 8'.

$895; see at ami 36th St. RATES K1TNTMUM AD, 2 LINES CHARGE CASH 211 55 GMC ton, $395: '51 Ford 4 ton, THE CAR MART $275; '49 Bulck, excellent condition, $100; see at 2011 36th St. MJLLIAL 1950 Studebaker flatbed, fair 1932 Dodge '4-ton pickup. 4-speed. condition, make offer; 549-3768, 209 5th Nesrly new tires.

Rebuilt motor. East Missoula. $145 '32 JEEP UNIVERSAL, excellent shape, reas.i ph. 777-3363, Stevensvllle, Mont. Lloyd Denham Sandy Durrsnt '62 VW 6-passenger pickup eompl.

w-bows H7 w- Broadway and tarp; ph. 745-2303. St. Ignatius. '59 JEEP 4x4 wagon, many extras, THE CAR MART $1,000 2212 37th 549-4522.

SPECIAL 557 JEEP FC 150 pickup; 543-4444 or m8 Jefp plckup. e.luujer, 4-wheel- 543-6482 evenings or weekend, Hubi malDr 1947 JEEP, hubs, steel '4 cab, good d. mech. condition. $550 549-8634.

$795 '84 FORD 'j-ton, 4-speed, long box, Lloyd Denham Sandy Durrant 549-7634 evenings. 1147 Broadway I960 UNIVERSAL JEEP, free-wheTuni 543-7666, 421 Strand. hubti CIb fo0(, 549.813S GOOD old used pickup. 1942 Ford V-8, 85 OLDS Cutlara Holiday hardtop 442, 4 speed: 543-4392. 11,000 ml.

See at OuU Boats aft. 1 p.m. 1961 PLYMOUTH V-8 station wagon, ez- 77 MOtOrCyCieS, Scooter. cellent condition: 543-8bl4 after 5:30. 1963 MONZA convertible Corvalr Spyder, '52 HARLEY, St cu.

excellent eondl- niee. only $1,495: 549-3553 evenings. lion, loaded; 549-9434. 1963 Iff 250 CC YAMAHA, trail equipped; 549-8343, 1524 MOUNT AVE before 4. '65 VW SEDAN.

'41 Impala 1964 YAMAHA. 80 trail rigging. See station wagon. 549-1480. at 1726 S.

9th W. '43 CORVAIR MONZA 549-1534 or 549-9651 78 Boats, Motors im vw Wi riRM aawwwwwvwvvvwwvwwwva. PHONE 543-5497 IS SEA LARK boat, motor for sale; 549-5797. 1951 r0R T. woo1 runs well, cheap; 549-7558.

lo, T954 STUDEBAKER SPORTS COUPE 51 Automobiles ph. 541-4857 La. a a. I959 BUICK 2-door hardtop, excellent 15 BONNEVILLE 4-door hardtop, auto- condition: 549-3206 matic, excellent condition; 543-4970 or 543-6873. '65 CHEV.

Bel Air automatic go 395 542-2292 '39 CHEVY WAGON with poMtractlon, transmission bad. Sell all or part; 1960 BEL AIR 4, Cbevy 4-door. overdrive, 549-9208. $600 549-6000. 1953 CHEVY.

BEST OFFER 1947 UNIVERSAL JEEP In good eondl- 549-7962 tion; 549-2617. '59 FORD 4, straight stick. $200; sea at 1959 PONT. new rubber. 2611 Cardinal Drive.

$800; S49-5627. 61 CHEVY vT A steel at $750; 1960 RENAULT, best offer takes; 543-3295 549-3951. after 5:30. Want-Ads-By-Mail SAVE $300 to $500 Line Llae 14 .18 24 .21 28 .23 BUSINESS RATES ON REQUEST MISSOULIAN CLASSIFIED P.O. BOX 1535 Missoula, Montana 59801 (2 lints, 10 words or fewer) 26 perd AS LOW AS 5 INSERTIONS NOT CONSECUTIVE BILLED AT 1-DAY RATE.

MAIL TODAY Cancel After Results Refunds Gladly Made. CONSECUTIVE INSERTIONS WHEN ORDERED FOR NINE COUNT 5 WORDS PER LINE, count numbers and CLASSIFICATION '65 Ford Fairlane 500 4-Door Sedan V- Automatic, power steering. 10,009 mllre. '65 Pontiac Catalina 4-Door Sedan V-i" Automatic, power steering. 11,000 miles.

'64 Ford Galaxie 500 4-Door V-8 Sedan Stsndard transmission. Shining white. '64 Ford Galaxie 500 4-Door Sedan V-8, automatic, power steering. Local 1-owner. '64 Ford Custom 500 2-Door Sedan V-8.

standard transmission. low miles '64 Chevrolet Bel Air 4-Door Sedan -cylinder, standard transmission. Here economy. '64 Volkswagen 2-Door Sedan 4-speed, local 1-owner. '63 Ford Galaxie 500 4-Door Sedan V-8, automatic.

We sold It new. Sharp! '63 Ford Fairlane 500 Sport Coupe I and 4-speed. Light blue '63 Ford Fairlane 4-Door Sedan '4 Automatic, low miles. See thu one. '63 Ford Fairlane 4-Door Sedan "6" Standard.

1-owner. Shining white. '63 Pontiac Catalina 4-Door Hardtop V-8, automatic, power steering. '63 Ford Galaxie 500 4-Door Sedan V-J Standard transmission. '62 Ford Econoline Bus "6" Standard, axtra seat.

Economy1 '62 Corvair Monza Club Coupe 4-speed. real sharp but motor needs work. '62 Corvair Monza Club Coupe 4-speed, red and sharp. '62 Ford Galaxie 500 4-Door Hardtop V-8, automatic, power steering, new rubber. '62 Oldsmobile F-5 4-Door Sedan V-4 and automatic.

Real clean. '62 Falcon 4-Door Sedan "6" Standard transmission. Mora economy here. '62 Pontiac Tempest 4-Door Sedan V-4 and automatic. Low miles.

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The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)
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Author: Manual Maggio

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Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.