The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)

11 The MiSMUilian, Monday, February 24, 73a Mobile Homes 59 Miscellaneous 50 Business Opportunity 43 Residential Proper! roperty 43 Residential Property clickson Aluminum Sheets FOR ROOFING, REPAIR WORK, ETC. WHY pay rent? 8, 10, 12-wide mobile home contracts to transfer with small down to cover transfer cosK Terrific savina; Malollch Trailer Sales LOOK AHEAD! Pick out your furniture now finish It before spring chores begin. It's easy! Work right here we'll show you huw. Save money yet get the BEST. SOLID hardwoods, unique designs, choice of finishes' WE HAVE A LITTLE UNFINISHED BUSINESS WITH YOU, rv Ei AL.

lliomas W. THOMAS C. VAN WORM! AKC registered Pekingese puppicsr-1 male, 1 female. $75; ph. 644 2515 (Charlo).

AKC MALE Golden retrievers, gentle, 8 weeks; 549-7533, 601 5th W. MUST sell due to Illness AKC reg co*cker female, 2 years, 543 3496 FREE, 1-year-old German Shepherd, nayed; S49-6V84. 25c Contact Jim Gunderson Missoullan Business Office 542 0311, Extension 40 (Monday-Friday, 9 a m. -5 n.m WES WALDBI LLIG Kealty, 1809 South Ave. W.

Phone 549-1662 EVENINGS HOLIDAYS It's In To Be 'Out' Just a short drive from Missoula on new highway. 2 acres, with room for a horse. Good garden spotl 3 bedroom home, guest house and large shop or garage. Quiet rural setting. $17,750, Ver-R-R-Y In-ter-esting 2 bedroom home, family room, very large lot, double garage, low taxes.

min. from Missoula. $16,500. "HE LP We need some good listings! VINCE FARNUM 549-5542 WES WALDBILLIG 549 1662 BILL'S Mobile Home Transport; statewide; Wm. Wikstrom 1H, 258-6581, P.O, Box 720, Missoula.

1-BEDROOM, 10x44 Frontier, 1959. xcellent condition. Will carry contract, 549-6139. '64 10x55 VAN DYKE 2 dining room, built-on 10x16 room. Air condl-tlonlng; 549-1065, 1968 GREAT LAKES fully carpeted, takeover payments; 258-6632.

73b Trailer Lots 317 S.W. Higgins 549-2151 Meadowlark Village 1 1 a.m. to 8 m. $500 AND your good credit will transfer 12x60 1968 New Moon 3-bedroom, 78 payments at $115.30 Includes 7 years' credit life Insurance, $1,000 personal elfectt and balance ot 1 year's tire Insurance. Will relocate, condition like new, furnished.

Call 543-3044, ask for Al; after 6, 258-6154. USED bunk beds complete with matching coverlets, $35; infant's stroller, 549-6678. DISTRIBUTOR-SALES AAA- Company oilers protected distributorship. Business established nationally and In area. No financial Invesment required.

Five licjure potential first year. Distribute to restaurants, hotels, schools, churches and civic groups. Write full details to: World's Finest Chocolate, Dept. 7264, 2521 W. 48th Chicago, 111.60632.

MUST SACRIFICE: Owner leaving, 13 unit motel, above average Income. In recreation area, A steal at down. Assume very good contract. No telephone Information. For appointment, call Murray Johnston or Al Marllnsen, 728-1020 or evenings 549-7704.

FOR SALE BY OWNER, trailer court, 1-acre ground, house with basem*nt, 2-car garage, 7 trailers; 258-6104, $5,000 BUYS you a business, $25 to potential; Box 109-C, The Missou-Man. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY, near of campus. Operate your own business. Existing additional rentals will pay tor property. Call Bert Shultz, Home Realty, 728-3600.

WEST Broadway properties: 60' frontage, corner location, excellent business site, adioinlng ll-unlt motel showing good Income, 120' frontage, 549-4311. PART-TIME business opportunity: Build Income $700 to $1,200 and more. Investmen'ully secured. Call Mr. Charles tor interview, 543-5113.

GUAR, wasliert, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, ranges, parts; G8.R Used Appliance 900 Lincoln; 543-4621. LaSALLE oil furnace with blower plus oil tank, 52-gallon electric water hoater, $100, 543-7854. EARLY American dinette set living rm. set, 728-1693, see at 208 S. 5th W.

be-fore4, NEWSPAPER END ROLLS, good for table covers, signs, li'l doodlers, rug protectors, painters, masking; Inq. Missoullan Circulation Dept. 61a Want to Buy PHONE 542-2161 MULTIPLE LISTING MEMBER IIB East Broadway Small Stud Farm or subdivision, near Florence, free water, loafing shed, good well, corral, all fenced, on school bus, 25 acres In hay, rest pasture. 2 Acres South close In, lovely 3 bdrm. home, 1550 sq.

ft. like new, fireplace, 2 car garage, lots Of extras, $27,250. West Side Dandy small 2 bdrm. home, good condition, on sewer, close to school park, garage-a real starter for $7,250. Lower Rattlesnake Older 2 bdrm.

home, In top top condition, Ig. cheery kitchen, carpeted living basem*nt, garage, new furnace hot water heater, priced to go at $9,000. Eleanor Devan, Stevensville 777-3096 Bill Lee 543-4H3 Lillian Schati 543-3554 Alt Tronstad 549-5402 DEEPFREEZE Tru-Cold, warranty; 119 Grove white house, green trim, $135. 11.10 South Ave S42 03SI Vf V.PT OF MULTIPLE LISTING 15 Minutes To town from this spacious trl-level heme 3 very large bedrooms, 1 Bath, room powder room, mam floor utilities, white bnck fireplace, double garage All this on 5 teres at 432,100 more acres available. Spacious-Value UOO sq ft.

ol spacious living in this well locaiea home, 3 large bedrooms, family jiic kitchen, dining room, large bath-room plui I2M bedroom and bathroom in basem*nt. Oversiie rtnhie garage on a large lot V.iJW Country Gentleman This very attractively planned home with 2 acres A view property, well landscaped 10 minutes to town. You will be impressed with the natural stone fireplace in the 28 ft. carpeted living room, which includes a large planter, 3 large bedrooms, 2' baths, large double garage with work area. 13 950.

New At Lolo Excellent home, I yr, old, of quality construction In a choice area. 3 bedrooms, I1 a baths, main floor utilities, beautiful fireplace and lots of closets. Oversue, insulated garage, 2 stall barn. 1 acre of ground, drapes, matching refrigerator all go for this price of $23,000. Don Hall 543-4804 OIL SALE Non-detergent, $5.22 case; detergent, $5.82 case; 10-30 Multi-Vis, $8.22 case; Pennzoil, $9 $10 case; A 111 Or ange.

CB RADIO SALES SERVICE New used citizen band radios for sale; call 728-4983 nowl WANT used lolnter, band saw and drill press; 549-8027. '66 MOBILE HOME, 12x60, 3-bedroom with Expando, tmall equity and take over 728-1122. 2-BDRM. trailer, 8x35, Inq. Shady Grove Autel, No.

5. PARTS tervlce on mobile homes and campert; Scheffer't Mobile Home Service, Hlway 10 near the 549-4907. 1960 10x55 3-bedroom Magnolia trailer, new furniture; ph 859-3809, Phlllpsburg. MOBILE HOMES "A Lot of Fine Quality" We live In what we sell 1 Ml. West of Airport; 549-4355 CLOSEDSUNDAY 1966 NEW MOON 12-wide 3-bedroom, low down payment, take car or pickup on trade; 543-7592 evenings.

$25 LIGHTED 70' lots, fences, lawns, patios, 1700 Cooley; 549-2411. COMPARE before you park your mobile home, El-Mar Trailer Village has everything for your convenience: paved streets, school bus, grocery store, 2 laundries, recreation lounge for parties, kindergarten and nursery, tree cable TV; 549-0881. 1 SPACE AVAILABLE In tmall court; 549-2972. CALL US before you park, we have ultra-modern large lots; 273-6687. "ROOM TO BREATHE" El-Mar Trailer Village 549-0881 COUNTRY living, underground utilities, large lots; NEW GREEN-FIELD.

Trailer Park, 549-1544, 728-4220. 73c Campers, Trailers ii i.i ii MiMg i i 1968 PICKUP camper, B'j-ft. Must tell, leaving; 728-2225, tee 646 Longstaff. 77 Boats, Motors PAINTINGS FRAMES FINEST REPRODUCTIONS OF FAMOUS ART IN COLOR MASTERPIECES AND MODERN ANACONDA BUILDING MATERIALS 800 S. 3rd 542-2125 Realty Co.

PALACE HOTEL BLDG. 543-5121 It's Cold Outside! But you and yours will be warm In front of this warm fireplace. Central entry way provides access to 3 living room, family room, dining room, Includes many extras-2 full baths, carpeted patio, doublegarage. Call for details. As A Favor TO YOUR FAMILY see this 3-bdrm.

home on Rainbow Drive. Beautiful stone fireplace. Listed now for $20,900. Hurry as we're leaving soon. Your Family Deserves THE BEST.

We have the best! Lovely new home with 4 bedrooms, carpeted thru-out. Drapes, dishwasher and disposal, underground sprinkling system, anchor chain link fence, double garage. Hot-water heat with radiation Installed in lull basem*nt. Do make an effort to MATTRESS REPAIR 549-6027 Bruce Nelson 549-5644 Jack Thibodeau 258-6128 Marie Burwick 549-5237 Art Ridley 543-5845 Eveline Barrett 549-7755 Arnold Holt 549-0033 Sis Byrne 543-7447 OLD guns, Indian items, animal skins, photos wanted; 543-8713. F0SS Since 1 945 Independent Office 501 Brooks, 549-4137 ACRE PLUS 4-bedroom home, fruit trees galore.

Close to school, oiled streets, horse barn, tack room, chicken coop. Suburban living close in. PORTER SCHOOL 3 bedrooms, carpeted living room bedrooms, large roomy kitchen, lots of built-lns, full basem*nt. Good buy assume present FHA Loan at $120 per month. EVENINGS HOLIDAYS GEORGE A.

MEHUS 543-4138 TROUSON E. FOSS 549-7666 WE'RE IN THE buying mood! We need cribs, tingle beds, bedroom sett, power tools, miscellaneous household Items. We buy, tell or trade. For a fair deal, call Paul't 2nd Hand; 549-8031. WE BUY furniture and appliancet by the piece or by the houseful; DALY'S FURNITURE, 549-2241.

CALL us for highest prices on used furniture, tools, salable Items, consign, buy outright; Action Auction, 549-9987. WOOD'S 2nd HAND is the largest buyer and seller of 2nd hand mdse. In this area. Call them-most people do! 543-5896. WANTED: Winch for D-4 Cat, state price, condition and location; Box 31, Alberton.

61b Want to Trade WILL trade '55 Jeep station wagon for, or on van, or sell Jeep; 542-2909. 62 Auctions Irby Vacuum Sales, Service New and Used Cleaners 231 West Front, 543-8201 1965 10x55 3-BEDROOM MOBILE HOME; 549 0855. Cash for Used Trailers RANGITSCH BROS. illespie NYQUI5T Finance Co. 199 W.

Pine Ph. 542-0371, Missoula, Montana WE BUY REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS FOR CASH; 543-3255; C. K. BENSON. P.O.BOX 693, MISSOULA.

558 tr TJj PIANO tuning, sales, service; Frank Dotz. Used pianos for sale; 549-5797. (to USED Admiral refrigerator, like new; 728-3590 or 2204 Brooks. see this outstanding home. Call today! 1 APPLIANCE rentals: ranges, refrigerators; DALY'S, 1629 South Ave.

W. ealty Co. FINANCING INFORMATION MULTIPLE LISTING MEMBER FHA AND Gl LOANS AVAILABLE LeBLANC trumpet, 707 sonic, lust retin-ished, excell. 728-3235. '69 12x50 NEW Moon, small equity takeover payment; 549-8098.

Guys Mobile Homes ROLLOHOME FLEETWOOD WEST BROADWAY AT TOOLE AVE. TRAILERHOUSE MOVING Joe and Katie Lewis, Owners Sky view Trailer Court; 542-2322 Cash for your Trailer MATELICH TRAILER SALES WM. STROTHMAN 542-2888 MARION DIXON 543-4201 MARYSPERRY 543-6381 R.L. DESCHAMPS 756-5657 GIBSON Trlni Lopez standard guitar. Sold new S510-best offer over $299.

Financing available; Pete or Rick at Music Center. SINGLE BED, springs and mattress, good condition, $35; 549-9593. FIDELITY A USED THE RMO-F AX dry copier, excellent condition, reasonable; 728-4810. NEW 10-gallon stainless steel aquarium and accessories, $15; 549-1993. AUCTION every Wed.

night, 7:30 p.m., 1359 Cedar; 549-9987. 63 For Your Every Boating Need GULL BOATS HIGHWAY in West. 549-5313 80 Pickups, Trucks 1956 FORD ii-ton, 6-cyllnder, automatic, good shape; 1537 DEFOE. '56 FORD cab-over with rebuilt motor and hydraulic lift tailgate, $600; Roger Bennett, Garrison, Mt. 1950 CHEVY Won pickup.

A bargain at $385; 549-3041, 1966 FORD Ranchero pickup, 4-speed, V-6, 289 728-2194. '51 FORD F-8 with 35' tandem trailer; see at Bob S. Ray's. SALES Cars, Campers, Pickups, Trailers Highway 10 West, 549-6461 JOIN the fun! Rent or buy a snowmobile; reservations: 549-9485, 549-2451. AGENCY, INC.

'58 FRIGIDAIRE automatic washing machine, $40; 728-4694. POLARIS Mustang, $500; John Mala-tare, 5miles Northof Evaro. SEE BOYCE LUMBER CO. for your repair and remodeling needs. Free estimates; 543-3798.

HAVE your sewing machine cleaned, oiled and adlusted by experts, lust $3.50. We service and repair all makes, all models; call 549-1349. Just Arrived! CHAMPIONS 12x50 2-bedroom $5,395 Carpeted living room 12x65 3-bedroom $7,300 Fully carpeted, bath Vi INSTANT HOMES, INC. HIWAY 93 SOUTH AND DORE LANE SALE: JOHNSON demonstrators, snowmobile covers, snowshoes, tow sleds, snowmobile oil; Matthies Marine. 4x8 VACURA PREFINISHED PANELING, $3.95 PER SHEET, LESS 10 PER CENT CASH; WRIGHT LUMBER HIGHWAY 10W PHONE 549-5196.

BARGAIN, $2,695 buys colored Behlen all-steel garage, 25'x31' with walk door and 16'x7' overhead, erected, no concrete. Wright Lumber phone 549-5196. SEAMLESS flooring, 42c sq. ft. Antique kits, ceramic tile, 50c sq.

ft. up; tub enclosures, $39; Northern Builers Exchange, 549-6119. SNOW SUITS, snow boots, snow machines. New and used one-third OFF. See Petland.

2 C-B RADIOS, 1 base, 1 mobile; 3-ele-ment beam and other radio equipment. $150 or best offer; Don Allen, L-B Trailer Court, 1 mile West of Airport. 1967 SCORPION snowmobile, excellent condition, 18" track, new trailer, $695; see at 325 E. Broadway. 549-5101 cza Multiple Listing Member Do You Have A Green Thumb? If so, we have really something for you to see, a small truck garden well over one-half acre, fruit trees, berry bushes and garden area.

All this with a lovely two bedroom home, a new workshop-type double garage with tool shed. The owner is anxious and has substantially reduced his asking price for a quick sale. If vou enioy gardening and like your land next to an oiled street, lift your phone and call us for an appointment to inspect this paradise. Expanse-Not Expensive Near the new Meadow Hill School, this 4-bedroom home has main floor utilities, large living room, cozy dining area, IVi baths and an extra large double garage. This is your chance to get lots of house for lust $22,500.

Don't miss this, call today! Just Imagine 1725 ft. of gracious living with a sunken living room, covered outdoor family room, formal dining room, huge family room and all the other deluxe extras that make for comfortable living. We have it in the best location in town at 2216 BROOKS Highway 93 At W. Central PRICE CONSCIOUS? Here's a brand new 3-bedroom, with baths, all carpeted, hot water heat, full basem*nt. 10 per cent down to qualified buyer, full price only .119,400 Evenings call Mr.

Tieti 549-2239. BUILDING SITES: We have a fine selection of sites in both East and West Rattlesnake and some on Southside with view, city sewer etc. Priced from S3, 000. THE FINEST: A beautiful home built on hillside with view, on City sewer, streets in and paid. This 3-bedroom home has room for 2 more and a large rec.

room in dayllte basem*nt. Fully carpeted and many fine deluxe features for J33.900. PHONE 543-8249 NOEL BAKER 549-1601 REUBEN TIETZ 549-2239 HARRY JOHNSON 543-4941 JOE TREDIK 549-0936 DALE GILLESPIE 549-2223 Farviews Realty Farviews Realty 137 E. Main, 543-5188 WASHINGTON SCHOOL DISTRICT: Cozy 2-BDRM. furnished home, with 1 BDRM.

furnished apartment in basem*nt, renting for $80 per month. Exterior newly painted. For further Information call Ed Piper, 549-0481. EAST MISSOULA: 2-year-old, 3-BDRM. HOME, extra bedroom and bath in basem*nt.

Ideal kitchen with plenty of storage space. Fenced back yard. Restricted area. Price $18, 100. Call Ed.

GOOD 1-BDRM. HOME, with range and refrigerator. Only $6,500. Call Helen Thompson, 543-8909. LOVELY 3-BDRM.

VIEW HOME, with fireplace and family room. 2-BDRM. HOME with daylite basem*nt that can be converted to apartment. $7,000, Call Helen, 543-8909. OFFICE SPACES: 2nd and 3rd floor Radio Central Building, reasonable.

Call 543-5188. A. J. Mosby, Commercial 543-5188 '68 JOHNSON, 20" TRACK 363-3848, Hamilton. 145 West Main Phone 549-2323 FHA Gl Loans Available Multiple Listing Members MAKE OFFER Owner has been transferred-must sell.

3 bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, main floor utilities. Located In Lewis Clark area. BARGAIN Exceptionally well built family home with 2 large bedrooms. 1 more bedroom in full basem*nt. 3n acre with garden, fruit trees, flowers.

Assume 5'4 per cent Interest loan or FHA. $17,750. VIEW Brand new 3-bedroom home overlooking Missoula. 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, carpeting, range and dishwasher Included. Plus hot water heat and double garage.

Alitor $26,000. TRADE Spacious new 3-bedroom home in exclusive area. Immediate possession. Owner-builder will trade for income property or acreage. CITY LIGHTS Unexcelled day or night panorama from this custom built 3-bedroom home on Farviews.

Shown by appointment only. INCOME Owner has left Missoula and must sell these 2 homes on 1 lot. Located in the Rattlesnake. Reduced $2,000. LOTS AND ACREAGES Building sites Martinwood Compressors 2.6 to 50 cu.

ft. New and Used Warren Sales-Service 549-8492 HELP STOP AIR POLLUTION Quit Burning Oil Let The Experts RE-RING YOUR ENGINE 71Pets, Kennels, Etc. CUT, pressed glass; china. Furniture; Mrs. P.

Hewitt, 332 E. Spruce. THISTLE DEW Antiques, Roy Stella Van Ostrand, 6 mi. west of Lolo, Mont. Open daily; 273-6766.

59 Miscellaneous PUPPIES: Plott-hound, Border Collie-Lab-cross, Norwegian Elkhound, Dachshund, Samoyed and Australian Shepherd, Airedale and Australian Shepherd. DOGS: Black Labs, German Shepherd-co*cker cross. CATS: Russian blue, longhaired Calico, black Siamese-cross, Tiger stripe; HUMANE SOCIETY, 549-3934, open 9-6. MONTY'S FURNITURE 3rd 8. Higgins, Ph.

728-1 120 USED AND NEW FURNITURE USED FURNITURE GOOD SELECTION of sofas, chairs, lamps, tables, bedroom furniture, dinettes, mattresses. WE INVITE YOU to come in and look at the many items we have. WE BUY-SELL-TRADE FURNITURE 3 SETS bunk beds, piecrust table, set matching twin beds, like new; lots of chests of drawers, dressers, dinettes, bedroom sets, hide-a-beds, carpets, re-cliners, swivel rockers, davenos and davenports, coppertone refrig-freezer, 1 year old, excellent condition; uprlte freezer, automatic washer, 30" elec. range, apt. -size range, sewing machines, good vacuum cleaner, desks; ACTION AUCTION STORE, 1359 CEDAR, 549-9987.

'67SINGER '67 Singer sewing machine, built-in zigzag, will overcast, blind hem, applique, does fancy stitching. Responsible party only, take over payments of $7.80 per month, cash balance $49; 549-3388. Punch-and-Grow Tomato $39,500. Ken Patterson 258-6503 Henry Hukill 549-3018 A.D.Chambers 543-5437 Joe Murray 549-5795 Jack Weidenfeller 549-8522 8-Cylinder Cars AKC DOBERMANN pups, black, $100; reds, $150; write 216 Homestead, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho or ph. 664-3484.

6-Cylinder Cars SOO60 138 POODLES, Boston Terriers, and others. New shipment of beautiful Parakeets. See at Pruyn Veterinary Hospital. 7 7 Vw I' RE ALTY 1 acre Target Range 10-52 Acres Butler Creek 25 Acres Six Mile 549-2323 George Wolstad 549-9677 GlennaMcEvoy 543-6316 O. A.

Sokoloski 543-7925 PLANTERS (and flowering seeds too) 69c pack P.S.-l, we will have "PUNCH-AND-GROWN" PLANTS IN SOIL, not nonfood vermiculite, for 39c pack, come Spring. P.S.-2, we will have sweet Spanish and white Bermuda onion plants at same old prices, come Spring, too. BitterrootAAkt. 801 SOUTH HIGGINS AVENUE 1318S.3rdW. 728-1 020 GOLDE labrador Retrievers, 9 weeks old, AKC call Ron Roberts, 883-5375 after 3 p.m., or write Rt.

1, Box 43, Poison, Mont. SAYER AGENCY 204 Hiqgins 543-5127 Betty Trickel 549-1782 AKC St. Bernard puppies; 519 So. Ave. W.

evenings. HAVE white male Miniature Poodle, to mate with female, for 1 puppy; 549-8144. SEVERAL complete sets of new hardwood kitchen cabinets, will sell wholesale; 543-7021. Includes complete labor, chrome piston rings, cylinder head gaskets, new oil, clean carbon ridges from cylinder bores. I personally inspect valves, spark plugs, points, all hoses and belts, crankshaft, main bearings etc.

All credit cards accepted Budget terms available. 93 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 1801 Brooks, 549-6433 Free Pickup And Delivery ELECTROLUX sales 8. service; Matt Whaley, 217 South Ave. 543-6047. Sullivan Hunt 219 WEST BROADWAY REAL ESTATE, PHONE 549-4163 HOME with apartment and appliances, $12,750.

HOUSE with full basem*nt, 12X60 MOBILE HOME on lot 60x120 with extra hookup, city water and gas, $9,100. MULTIPLE LISTING MEMBER BILLIE BAKKE 549-0605 ETHELMcQUINN 549-9670 BEAUTIFUL AKC reg. Ger. Shep. pups from 2 litters, tan sables, black 8.

silver; Allendean Kennels, 549-9261. George Frazer 543-5743 Vj ACRE, 3 big main floor utility room, double garage, 3 blocks to Hawthorne School, 'a block to Hellgate Hi Or will trade for small 2-bdrm. home in town or Poison. THREE 4-plexes, excellent condition. Buy 1 or all 3.

RATTLESNAKE, 3 family room fireplace, double garage, $25,950. '68STEREO Beautiful AM-FM lowboy-style consol, handsome walnut cabinet, ieweled needle, multiple speakers, all the fine extras. Want responsible party to take over payments on this name brand set, only $9 per month, full balance of 549-3261. Guaranteed Used Appliances APPLIANCE SERVICE CO 1337 W. Broadway, 549-2765 FRENCH Poodle puppies, AKC reg.

tiny toys. Excellent bloodlines; call 549-1789. SEE OUR USED APPLIANCES ESTES MAYTAG STORE 211 WhSl BKOADWAY 543-7932 BY BUILDER, 1700 sq. ft. luxury home in Lincolnwood, to be completed soon.

Choose your own carpet. See at 4108 Lincoln Road; 549-7814. WASHINGTON School is 1 blk. from this 3-bdrm. by owner.

Carpeted, new kitchen, full garage, fenced yard, $17,000. Terms. Immediate possession. Drive, by, look at 638 W. Kent; 549-2853.

GREENIE'S Appliance Center: We buy and sell anything in appliances, reconditioned, guaranteed; 549-2511, 2920 Reserve, 1 blk. N. Reserve St. Bldrs. 2-BR.

home, clean, well kept, full dbl. garage. Many fruit and shade trees, irr. pasture; 1909 Clements Missou- Lewis Clark School Choice new home. Has everything you want including 30-year financing.

Extras too numerous to mention. Only $26,500. Assume Large Loan This lovely 5-year-old home with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, new carpeting, handy kitchen and dining area. Covered patio, fenced yard and single-car garage. Basem*nt has a large finished room for bedroom or family use.

Priced at CLYDE TREGO 549-3191 MURRAY J. JOHNSTON 549-7704 RICHARD BOSSARD 549-2701 ALMARTINSEN 543-5906 UNIVERSITY AREA Are you retired, middleaged? See this comfortable 2 bdrm. home, 5 yrs. old w-finished bsmt. hot water heat, beautiful yard w-trees, shrubs 8.

hedge. Building contractors own home; 231 E. Kent. Twite Construction New or remodeling, homes completed within 90 days, choose your plan or one of our latest-design floor plans. Bldg.

sites available. Free estimates financing available. DARRELL TWITE 543-4919 LLOYD TWITE 549-5627 RAYMOND TWITE 549-0974 Home Loans 543-7101 V. A. A.

-CONVENTIONAL Western Montana National Bank 3-BEDROOM, 6 years old, $17,800, assume 6Vj per cent loan or will sell FHA with $800; 549-0251. NEAT, small 2-bedroom home with garage, on large lot in Daly $8,350 full price with $450 down. For call owner, 543-3255. 45 Real Estate Wanted DUE TO TREMENDOUS RESPONSE TO OUR NEW CAR SALE WE OFFER THESE FINE USED CARS SE LL or trade, by owner, 4-plex, excellent income, for home and acreage, land, small farm or ranch. Write P.

O. Box 958, Libby, Montana. SEWING MACHINE Singer slant-needle portable, used, excellent condition, full price only $77.50, terms; SINGER CENTER, 228 N. Hig-gins, 549-4156. UNIVERSITY AREA, 3-bedroom home, under Estate Realty, 542-0387.

BY BUILDER, new 3-bedroom hillside home; 542-2603. 1-BEDROOM home for sale by owner, rental on back of lot; 543-445. SPEUALTHIS WEEK Used open-arm zig zag sewing machine in cabinet, excellent operating condition. Real bargain at $88.50, terms; SINGER CENTER, 228 N. Higgins, 47 FARM-RANCH MARKET '58 Dodge Wagon '66 Mustang Hardtop, V-8, floor shift.

1 -owner '67 Plymouth III Fury Hardtop, all power. Warranty on this one. '58 Chevrolet 4-door sedan with V-8 engine, automatic transmission. USED APPLIANCES. Working, sterilized.

From $18. Parts, labor guaranteed; 543-7211, Appliances, THE V-8 and automatic. Looks tough. Runs good! gem. Nice.

1597 $97 1997 77 AAA A A A AAA A A AAA A AAA A A A A AAA A AAAky AAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAA.AAA AAAA A A AAA CARPETS A FRIGHT! Make them a beautiful sight with Blue Lustre! Rent electric shampooer, Western Auto, Holiday Village. 47a Farms, Ranches 47d Poultry, Rabbits '63 Buick 225 '67 Dodge 440 4-door, V-8, automatic, power steering. 1 -owner. '66 Impala S-Coupe V-8, standard, radio, heater. Pretty ermine white.

'67 Renault R-10 4-door. Lots of economy here. Look at the price! Electra convertible. Truly the finest '63 in town! 4x8 UNFINISHED BIRCH PLYWOOD, shop grade, $4.80 per sheet, less 10 per cent cash; Wright Lumber Hiway 10 549-5196. USED FURNITURE APPLIANCES FOR SALE: Baby chicks, $20.90 per hundred.

Due to the bad winter we've had, we have extended our 5 per cent discount on orders paid in full on or be WANT 3 or 4-bdrm. house with basem*nt, Lewis Clark area, available spring or summer; 728-2995. 997 1797 997 fore March 1st; Bitney's Hatchery, Box 1497 457, Kalispell, Montana 59901. 47f Hay, Feed, Pasture FREE real estate counseling service. Ask about our 60-day guaranteed sales program; HOWARD N.

SELLERS-BROKER, 543-6063. '61 Ford 12-Ton '66 Charger V-8, automatic, power equipped. Mighty sharp! '66 Ford LTD Hardtop, V-8, automatic, power steering. Fine. '59 Ford 34-Ton V-8 engine and 4-speed transmission.

Stock rack. HAY; 726-3655 inn imn Bud Lake Village, Missoula Dial 549-6161 HANK DESCHENES 549-4549 IVAN HOWARD 777-3078 COLLECT BRYCE PUTNAM 549-4S20 Ranches, Acreages, Businesses 5TROUT REALTY On Highway 93 South-Ph. 549 3781 GIL DODGSON 728-3567 TINGWILHELM 543-5672 BOB OR TERRY SAVAGE 549-3781 200 ACRES on Mullan Road, 7 miles out, S600 per acre, large set of improvements; 549-6139. 500 LEVEL acres near airport, 2 miles from city, $700 per acre; 549-6139. 4-speed pickup with V-8 engine.

It's a sharpie! 48 Income Property 47g Fertilizer s547 1697 1897 447 FERTILIZER SPPEADING will soon start. Book and make date for your ser RANGITSCH HWY. 10 W. MOVING, must sell color TV, $125; 543-3656 after 5 p.m. HANNAH'S husband Hector hates hard work so he cleans the rugs with Blue Lustre.

Rent electric shampooer, Anaconda Building Materials, 542-2125. 4-PIECE sectional, $20; davenport, 549-0577 after 5 p.m. PARTY TREATS-Pennsylvania Dutch Chocolate-covered Pretzels; Village Ice Cream Store, Holiday Village, 1916 Brooks. NEW 20-gallon gas hot water tank, new Sunbeam vacuum cleaner, below cost; large office desk, size ski boots and skis, girl's ice skates; 549-1750, 2610 Bel Vue Dr. LIKE NEW Harmony guitar, full-size violin; men's 8.

boys' sport jackets, pants, shirts; 549-9261. vice; 543-8041 '65 Ford 4-Door Fairlane and a 1-owner. This is a 47h Farm Supplies '61 Corvair Pickup Rear load and side ramp! 1-owner, It's clean! '63 Oldsmobile F-85 V-8 engine and standard transmission. See this. '63 Chevy Van 3-seater wagon, 6-cylinder, A real good one.

sharp car. METAL BLDGS and hay sheds, per sq. L8.H 549-3930. 47b Horses, Supplies 1097 397 697 597 BEHLEN '50 Dodge HAY RIDES, horses for sale, rent, pasture, bcx stalls, snowmobiles, Lincoln Hit's Ranch, 549-9485, 549-2451. HQPSFS TRAINED-PLEASURE, PERFORMANCE, SHOW.

Professional experience. My recordv-your reference; Kenny Baker, ph. 363-2189, Hamilton, Mt. '63 Rambler 4-Door 6-eylmder, stick, overdrive, radio, heater. Clean.

'65 Pontiac 4-door, Catalina, V-8 engine. This one's real clean. '67 Dodge 14-Ton 4-speed transmission. Real, real sharp. 1-owner.

4-door sedan. A give-away at this low, low price. FREE LUMBER, 14x25' 2-story barn; 543-4458 after 6. TRY BASIC the organic cleaner; SHAKLEE PRODUCTS (distributorships available), 543-6808, 542-2987. FOSS 549-4137 LOOK TO THE FUTURE! Invest now in good income property for additional ready cash and income tax depreciation.

We have many real good rental properties at this time. 10-UNIT apartment house, best location, good condition. Price $37,500 with $8,500 down. Now look at this: $6,276 annual gross income. Owner will sell on contract with 6 per cent interest.

5-UNIT apartment house, well located, clean, price $23,500 with $6,000 down, $4,380 gross income. Owner will carry at 6 per cent interest. CALL NOW! We have others also to select from. GEORGE A. MEHUS 543-4138 TROUSON E.

FOSS 549-7666 DAVID T. FOSS 549-2650 6 SLEEPING ROOMS, 4 good income. Brick, new roof, well-located. If you are half handy, minor improvements will increase income about 75 per cent. One to see.

$25,000. Owner will carry contract; HOWARD N. SELLERS, BROKER, 543-4063, or ED TERRY, 549-8377. TWO 2-bedroom duplexes on Farviews, never vacant, reasonably priced, 549-5824. 49 Commercial Property FOR LEASE Combination shop and 2-bedrouit.

opt. Very nice, off South also 9,000 sq. ft building with large overhead doors Irn South 3rd; Garden City Floral, 543-427, night 543-3386. 597 897 57 1597 47c Livestock METAL BUILDINGS Special buildings complete with bolts, 1 solid E.W., 1 door E.W. Delivered in Missoula 33'xl00' S2992 51 'x 100' S4603 WRIGHT LUMBER COMPANY PHONE 549-5196 4 7 1 Farm Equipment 8X9' LOW overhead fiberglas garage door, $95; 549-8159 Wilililf lilB WANT to buy good light calves.

Write Rollie Aoams, Tendoy, Idaho, call Salmon 756-3611. 7 HEAD of ewes, lambing now, will 1-adefor good saddle horse, 273-63 23. e'l MEAD sTk cws now ca'ving, ph. Cteve-sv 777-34', beforeB or after MILK COWS to freshen soon; also 2 good Holstein calves, 273-6323. BULK paint thinner, 49c gallon at TEMPO.

CClPACT VACCUM CLEANERS 5aies. service and repairs. Authorize! dd'er, 549-6el, 7A Higrjinv DELUXE ZIG-ZAG sewing machine, darns, embroiders, appliques, overcasts, sews on buttons, makes buttonholes, and blind stitches, all without attachments. Assume payments of just S6 10 per mo. tor a low balance ot S54 20, 549 1349 HOLMS EQUIPMENT CO.

Farm Machinery Specializing IN CRAWLER TRACTORS 2824 BROOKS, 543 8332 350 IHC FARM-ALL, $1,000. with F-ll Farm-Hand, Roger Lennett, GarrKon, Mt. 1600 STEPHENS DIAL 543-5137 BUY WITH CLASSIFIED.

The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana (2024)
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Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.