Who is “They”? | Illuminati, Nazis and the Illegal State of Israel (2024)


Who is “They”?
Corey’s Digs (Corey Lynn),

The number one question consistently circulating social media and infuriating the minds of millions is: “Who is they?”

Some call them the “deep state,” “global cabal,” “illuminati” and “shadow government.” Whereas “they” often do operate as a single force, there are many individuals and players involved.

So who is behind the money, power, control, narratives and destruction of the world – the constant wars, manufactured inflation, attack on the food system and agriculture, big pharma and medical madness, constant surveillance, AI and transhumanism, the entire financial system and so on?

It is a global agenda that goes back centuries and even the most brilliant researchers, historians and investigators can’t name every person involved at the top of this hierarchy. However, there are thousands that can be named, and most everyone has acknowledged the fact that it is a very small percent attempting to rule the world under their “new world order.”

Corey Lynn has published a report that shows how this control framework was established, the heirarchy, how they operate and list of over 1900 key players.

“Who Is THEY?”
The number one question consistently circulating social media and infuriating the minds of millions is, “who is they?” Not “who are they,” but “who is they” as though “they” is a single force operating as one. Whereas “they” often do operate as a single force, there are many individuals and players involved. People want to know who is behind the money, power, control, narratives, and destruction of the world – the constant wars, manufactured inflation, attack on the food system and agriculture, big pharma and medical madness, constant surveillance, AI and transhumanism, the entire financial system, and so on. It’s not limited to one or even ten countries – it is a global agenda that goes back centuries and even the most brilliant researchers, historians, and investigators can’t name every person involved at the top of this hierarchy. However, there are thousands that can be named, and most everyone has acknowledged the fact that it is a very small percent attempting to rule the world under their “new world order.”

There are several terms people use to reference these bad actors, such as the “deep state,” “global cabal,” “illuminati” and “shadow government.” The individuals orchestrating this attempted global takeover operate covertly within the government to alter public policies and laws while shaping culture and narratives. More recently, many of these bad actors no longer operate covertly – it’s more an in-your-face style these days. They are all in, desperately trying to cull the masses through their playbook, and although they would seem to have a plan a, b, and c for every agenda, people are fighting back and seeing through their manipulation tactics. It’s true that it is creating quite a field of cognitive dissonance, but with each month that passes, more and more people are becoming aware of the game being played on humanity, and they refuse to tolerate it.

This is the Great Con and they can only pull it off if you believe in it, if you fall for it, if you accept they have power over you, and you allow yourself to become the obedient slave they want you to. That is the biggest dose of truth. They need everyone to believe they are the authority, they have your best interest at heart, and what they are telling you is truthful. They want you to feel powerless and dependent on them. That is their biggest hurdle and that is what you should never give into.

The further back one goes, the more difficult it is to track them. Why? Because the wealthy bloodlines tend to intermix, often changing their names and spellings, their backgrounds, and their family connections. To make matters worse, there are hundreds of psychological campaigns running simultaneously, coming out of multiple countries and sources to further confuse people. One thing is for certain – these folks have been planning this ultimate takeover for a very long time, have all of their minions and useful tools coordinating for them, have brainwashed millions of people with their schemes, are savvy and calculated with their methods and far more intelligent than most would care to admit.


People want names, so let’s start here. This is a big part of the hierarchy, leaving some unknowns hidden behind the Bank for International Settlements (“BIS”). In Corey Lynn’s 3-part report on ‘Laundering with Immunity’, it explains in explicit detail as to how and when BIS came about and how BIS and 63 central banks devised a plan to hold immunities and privileges. Shortly thereafter, in 1945 the UN was manifested by some of the plotters for this grand takeover, and immunities and privileges came right along with it the following day. This was the beginning of the control framework and how they would be able to carry out their agendas while operating entirely outside the law. All arms of the UN have these immunities and can extend them to organisations working with them. Long before the UN being established, the Organisation of American States (“OAS”) was created. They too were the first to receive immunities and privileges, alongside the UN, as they work in conjunction with one another. And, they too can extend these immunities to organisations they work with. In addition to the banks, the UN and OAS, the Global Fund, Gavi, and WEF were also given these immunities, and numerous other key international organisations as well. In total, there are 76 international organisations that hold these immunities and privileges, and that’s on top of BIS and the central banks.

Whereas the UN and OAS hold treaties with a slew of countries giving them ironclad layers of protections, the other international organisations hold immunities, privileges, and headquarters agreements independently with each country who opted to do so, and there are many! The US set the stage for this, doling them out to 76 organisations throughout every presidency except for Trump and Biden.

Read ‘Laundering with Immunity’ to grasp the full scope of what these immunities and privileges entail. For starters, all of their archives are inviolable, their property and assets are immune from search and seizure, they are exempt from every kind of tax regular people pay, including property taxes, officers and employees are exempt from legal suits, employees and their family members can travel the world without checks from customs, military and police are not allowed to enter their headquarters, and much more.

Once people understand that THIS is the control framework – the structure that was created nearly 80 years ago so that they can operate outside the law and never be held accountable, it’s easy to see how all of the other pieces fall into place.

Who is THEY? That alone is the key list of 76 organisations, BIS, and 63 central banks at the top of the pyramid, bearing in mind there are wealthy, strategic players behind this pyramid whose names we may never know. Those leading these organisations are the key names purposefully put in a position of power to carry out specific agendas. Those key players move around within that group of organisations and sometimes head up affiliated organisations in order to maintain their strategy. Some of those agendas come straight from the pyramid organisations, while others are contracted out to their affiliates at NGOs, corporations, universities, lawmakers, governments, 3-letter agencies, news media and private equity firms. For example, CIA agents often move into news media positions, FDA directors often move over to big pharma, CDC directors move over to the Rockefeller Foundation or Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and so on.

They keep their key players in positions they need them in at specific times and then move them around to other leadership positions when they need certain actions carried out. Jim Yong Kim is a prime example of this, from co-founding Partners in Health to advising the Director-General of the WHO and Director of the HIV/AIDS department, then fulfilling outcomes required at Harvard in various positions, on to President of Dartmouth College then to President of the World Bank – coincidentally resigning early in 2019, and now a partner at Global Infrastructure Partners. Kim has been instrumental in nefarious actions in Haiti, the AIDS agenda, vaccines, covid contact tracing, pressuring countries in order to receive funding from the World Bank, and the climate agenda, and each position was timed right. It is no coincidence that BlackRock is acquiring Global Infrastructure Partners in the 3rd quarter of 2024. You can read more about Jim Yong Kim’s connections and involvement in Corey Lynn’s reports HERE, HERE and HERE. They have done an incredible job trying to bury his childhood and family. CEO of BlackRock, Larry Fink, also went above and beyond to hide his family connections and childhood, with a father who would appear to be a ghost. It’s understandable to want to keep family from the public eye when in high-profile positions, but there is far more than meets the eye with these cats.

There are countless smaller companies that have had good intentions to provide great products and services to people or the land, but as they began to grow and gain attention, these corrupt organisations stepped in trying to co-opt them and eventually acquiring them. Whole Foods being gobbled up by Amazon is a good example of this. These organisations, including so-called billionaire philanthropists, are behind every major industry and “reimagining” it to essentially cut out everyone else from financial prosperity so that everyone can fall prey to their planned enslavement system.

Ultimately, Congress needs to revoke these immunities and privileges. Any lawmaker saying that the US needs to defund the WHO (part of the UN) or the UN itself, clearly isn’t aware of this control framework because if they were, they would know that defunding isn’t going to solve anything.

How “They” Operate and Lists of Who “They” Are


Within each agenda (and there are many), the same players can be seen carrying them out. That’s a pretty big indicator of who’s running this theatre. It’s important to note that there are also key players in countries whose names may not be mentioned although, their companies may have made these lists.

The Giving Pledge, founded by Warren Buffet and Bill Gates in 2010, is a real quick way to see alist of over 240 billionaire “philanthropists,” many of which are involved in agendas against humanity. Everyone from David Rockefeller to Michael Bloomberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, Michael Milken, Sam Altman, Edgar Bronfman, Victor Pinchuk, Richard Branson, Marc Benioff, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Musallam Bin Ham Al–Ameri, Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal, and countless others are part of this group whereby they have committed “to give the majority of their wealth to address some of society’s most pressing problems.” That is, to create a problem and then claim to save the day by establishing new industries and wiping out others.

The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals are completely inverted and portrayed as helping the earth and humanity, when in fact it is the exact opposite and a total con. It is the primary scapegoat used for every agenda they are attempting to carry out. From climate change to poverty, food, health, education, industry and economic growth, it is the playbook narrative for each action they take. The public relations is pushed by the World Economic Forum who plot and plan how these actions should roll out and who should take the reins. These players often meet in private by invite only through secret societies and organisations. The universities pump out whatever so-called studies are needed to validate their actions so as to obtain government funding and so media can hype it up. Therefore, it’s important to understand how their language works in order to read between the lines, and recognise that “convenience” means convenient for them because they can track you, “safety” means you will be told what you can do, what you can say, what you have access to, and how you can spend your money, “inclusion” means you will be part of their enslavement system, “equity” means everyone will be on universal basic income and healthcare so that they can hold control over you, “protect marine life around the world and use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” means they are mining the oceans for resources under the guise of climate change while decimating entire ecosystems that could destroy all marine life. You get the idea.

Government grants, using taxpayer dollars, are one of the biggest ways they move taxpayer money into the hands of the corrupt. Over 20 US government agencies distribute these funds, such as DHS, DOD, DOE, DOS, HUD, USAID and USDA, for example. These funds go directly into corrupt organisations and foundations’ hands, or through ministries in other countries where the money seems to disappear or achieve little results, or in cases such as war they may funnel it through the World Bank, which of course has full immunities and privileges so no one will ever truly know where the money went. The Pentagon has failed audits six years in a row. Mind you, they self-audit. Over $21 trillion has gone missing from US federal accounts at HUD and the Department of Defence.

In Corey Lynn’s report on ‘17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda’, it gives a full breakdown of these so-called goals with attached reports uncovering evidence to the contrary. There are a myriad of additional reports on Corey’s Digs that also directly pertain to these agendas. Here are some key reports with lists of individuals and companies involved in these schemes:

• ‘The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports’ is a 4-part report, and available in paperback with a bonus chapter on solutions, that shows how blockchain, digital identities, and digital currency are one of their major end games in order to control what people do and how they can spend their money. It is packed full of hundreds of cited sources providing key evidence. Under the guise of health and well-being, this con ticks off 9 of their 17 goals. Part 4 reveals a list of 287 individuals and companies involved in this agenda.

• By now, it should no longer be a mystery that Visa and Mastercard are playing a critical role in the digital identity control system.

• Elon Musk deserves his own bullet point. Though many have held him high up on their hero-worship pedestal, Musk’s history speaks for itself. In Corey Lynn’s report ‘Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid’, it provides an abundance of evidence about what is transpiring and Elon Musk’s involvement which should raise the hair on the back of anyone’s neck who can’t be fooled. In addition to Elon Musk, there are other key common players involved in this scheme, such as US Space Force, Morgan Stanley, WEF, UN, BIS, central banks, Deloitte and others listed throughout this report.

• The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Trust funnels money to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (“BMGF”) that then grants money to the Global Fund and Gavi, both of which Bill Gates is co-founder of. The BMGF also grants billions to sectors of the UN and countless NGOs owned by friends. Then, some of the money gets funnelled back in through the Global Fund by some of those same NGOs and other branches of the UN. It’s a revolving door. Additionally, billions in grants from the US government and other countries funnel taxpayer dollars through the Global Fund and Gavi. They are washing the money right in front of everyone’s eyes, all through non-profits, most of which have full immunities and privileges. HERE is an in-depth video Corey did covering just how this works and showing the organisations involved.

• The food industry is monopolised by 10 companies. Talk about population control. These companies crank so much sugar and bioengineered ingredients (genetically modified and gene-edited) into their foods to keep the population sick. Many of them also work closely with the organisations listed throughout this article. Understand that these companies are willing to take a hit in order to move agendas forward, such as shutting down during covid or some of their food processing plants going up in flames.


Who controls everything regarding what is put in people’s mouths, from seeds to pesticides to the food itself? Codex Alimentarius does. It was established in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (“FAO”) and the World Health Organisation (“WHO”), both are arms of the UN with full immunities and privileges. Their sole purpose is to set the standards and guidelines for all food that is consumed by human beings. Once those decisions are made, countries take those “standards” and implement them, creating regulations and laws. The USDA is a driving force for not only adhering to the standards but making certain that other countries follow in lockstep. China runs the pesticides committee and Monsanto has a seat at the table. See Corey Lynn’s report on this HERE.

• In Corey Lynn’s report, ‘The New Controlled Food System is Now in Place and They Will Stop at Nothing to Accelerate Their Control’, it reveals the new wave of indoor vertical growing facilities popping up with many of these same players founding them, funding them or purchasing from them. Though this may be a positive solution for small farms or individuals, unfortunately, these conglomerates are utilising gene-edited seeds for much of this. Imagine food being locked in enormous facilities while states give them tax breaks and Monsanto/Bayer is preparing seeds. This report exposes over 150 players in this agenda, with overlapping names already documented in this article, including key shareholders. This ticks off a whopping 10 of the 17 goals to enslave humanity. And, another report by Corey Lynn exposes additional names involved in the lab-grown meat arena. There are numerous other reports pertaining to food supply, agriculture and livestock that can be found on Corey’s Digs under the Food Supply category.

• In a 9-part report on ‘Obedience Training from Cradle to Grave’, it takes an in-depth look at the education system from PreK to Adults and exposes the incredible ways they are carrying out indoctrination, brainwashing, social-emotional learning, augmented virtual reality, and their goal to push ideologies through the education system into the corporate world as lifelong mandatory obedience training. This con ticks off 5 of their 17 goals. Part 9 documents an extensive timeline going back to 1903 and a list of over 580 key players involved, and 50 of them are also involved in the digital identity agenda.

• Universities have long played a vital role in shaping “the science” and producing desired results of research projects to generate outcomes the deep state players require. This, in turn, provides both grants and funding to the universities while signalling to big gov that grants should go out to organisations and foundations that need to further the studies, implement clinical trials or proceed with their projects. What most people don’t realise is how involved universities and colleges are with the immigration agenda as well. In Corey Lynn’s report ‘University Migrant Smart Hubs, Private Equity and The Leveraged Buyout of America’, it breaks this all down while providing a list of over 200 colleges involved in this, dozens of organisations assisting, and private equity firms such as Blackstone playing a major role.

• Partners in Health (PIH), founded in 1983, is perhaps one of the most critical non-profits that seems to have flown under the radar for decades. From the founders to those connected, the funders, governments, and activities, there are hundreds of names attached to PIH. The list of partners reads like a who’s who of the global mafia. Corey Lynn published an explosive report in May 2020, regarding contact tracing surveillance and a $100 billion scandal that went down with PIH, IL Rep. Bobby Rush, EcoHealth Alliance, former World Bank President Jim Yong Kim, and more. The report lists over 75 companies and individuals involved. Additionally, Partners in Health, along with the Clinton Foundation, Planned Parenthood, and Ivy League Schools have all been instrumental in the abortion agenda.

• The transgender agenda is a big one, wanting everyone focused on their “identity” while disassociating from who they truly are. It’s all about the external rather than the internal. In Corey Lynn’s 4-part report on ‘Exploiting Transgenders’, Part 1 reveals an extensive timeline of those carrying out this agenda. Part 2 covers the origins of the medical engineering and who was behind it. Part 3 shows who the funders and profiteers are as well as a short list, plus over 50 care clinics for youth involved in this. Part 4 provides a list of those behind this agenda.

• To understand the mindset of these deep state actors, it’s important to get a grasp on their thirst for eugenics – a term that dates back to the late 1800s. In Corey Lynn’s 6-part report on ‘Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth Crisis’, it dives deep into the history, the players, the funders, and the actions carried out against humanity throughout the years. The report begins with a timeline dating back to 1901, and it is a vital report that shows the attack on people’s health, bodies, minds, and desire to control the population through manipulating DNA, sterilising to prevent births, and in some cases, murder. Dozens of names of individuals and organisations involved in eugenics and the future goal of transhumanism are documented throughout this report, and many of those names will not only be familiar but are seen in numerous other reports regarding other agendas as well. That’s the consistency of their playbook at work.

• Over 30 articles and reports specifically on covid, document a mountain of evidence along with names and organisations involved in carrying out the most hellacious, coordinated agenda against mankind. Those articles are best sought out through the Library Catalogue with direct links to each report.

• Under the guise of “climate change,” the governments of 26 islands have worked with public and private partners to funnel primarily US government funds through clean energy infrastructure on these islands. Many of the partners are also involved with building up so-called tourism in these locations as well. Partners such as the UN, Organisation of American States, World Bank Group, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Clinton Foundation, Rocky Mountain Institute, The Nature Conservancy, Tides and many more including Breakthrough Energy Coalition which is a group of 28 high-net-worth investors including George Soros, Jeff Bezos, Tom Steyer, Jack Ma, Reid Hoffman and more. In total, there are 26 islands, 12 public sector partners and 34 private partners. Throughout the entire 4-part report, there are numerous additional names and countries involved in this as well. In Corey Lynn’s 4-part report on ‘Shipwrecked on Ten Islands with Clintons & Branson’, she shows how this all began, the funding, nefarious activities, and how it quickly escalated to include 26 islands. Where did the money really go?

• Everyone is familiar with the Clinton Foundation, but most people are completely unaware that the Clinton crime family actually has 51 foundations, LLCs and shell companies that they utilise to carry out their shenanigans. Of course, some have non-existent addresses. Corey Lynn dug through endless pages of tax returns and filings to build this list and has reported extensively on the Clintons’ involvement with AIDS, vaccines, abortion, child trafficking, Haiti HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE, 26 islands, fraud in Arkansas, political tax scandals, plus Jeffrey Epstein HERE, HERE and HERE.

• Though there aren’t a tonne of names listed in this report (a couple dozen), it contains significant information pertaining to ‘Protecting US Bulk-Power Supply and Technology from Bad Actors’. The connections are quite staggering, especially three players who all worked in high-ranking positions at the World Bank with overlapping time frames, including one president, two of whom are from China and one from South Korea who all attended prestigious colleges in the US. The intertwining history of these three alone is mind-bending, showing where they began, what they were involved in, their US connections, and where they are now. This report was published in 2020 and these men are still active in vital roles.

• Shareholders play a key role in controlling companies from the top down. If the majority shareholder has voting shares, they can dictate the direction of the company. The top two shareholders of nearly every major company are The Vanguard Group and BlackRock. State Street Corp. often takes 3rd position. Just pick a company, any decent-sized company and search “top shareholders of (company name)” and you’ll see it nearly every time, and if on rare occasion they didn’t make it in the top two, they made it in the top five. HERE is an example of BlackRock voting on three Pfizer resolutions in 2021, as BlackRock is Pfizer’s largest shareholder.

That’s a pretty good start to set people on the right path of the actual history behind all of this corruption and the goals the deep state is trying to fulfil. This report was intended to highlight some of the larger lists compiled over the past eight years of investigative reporting on Corey’s Digs. There are so many names of individuals, companies, organisations and non-profits that work in lockstep with one another to achieve these agendas against humanity, covered in over 200 reports and articles produced on Corey’s Digs, that a Quarterly Library Catalogue is published to make it easier to find specific reports by topic. There’s much more to the story and the history, but this is a good baseline.

Be FearLESS, don’t be conned, and never be obedient to those who don’t have your best interest at heart.


Illuminati, Nazis and the Illegal State of Israel
Dean Henderson | DeanHenderson.substack

If we wish to end the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, we need to know who created Israel and why. In 1917 British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour penned a letter to Zionist Second Lord Lionel Walter Rothschild in which he expressed support for a Jewish homeland on Palestinian-controlled lands in the Middle East. This Balfour Declaration justified the brutal seizure of Palestinian lands for the post-WWII establishment of Israel. Israel would serve, not as some high-minded “Jewish homeland”, but as lynchpin in Rothschild/Eight Families control over the world’s oil supply. Baron Edmond de Rothschild built the first oil pipeline from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean to bring BP Iranian oil to Israel. He founded Israeli General Bank and Paz Oil and is considered the father of modern Israel.

The Rothschilds are the planet’s wealthiest clan, worth an estimated $100 trillion. They control Royal Dutch/Shell, BP, Anglo-American, BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto, Bank of America and scores of other global corporations and banks. They are the largest shareholders in the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve and most every private central bank in the world. They needed a footprint in the Middle East to protect their new oil concessions, which they procured through Four Horsem*n fronts like the Iranian Consortium, Iraqi Petroleum Company and Saudi ARAMCO.

Rothschild’s Shell and BP formed these cartels with the Rockefeller half of the Four Horsem*n- Exxon Mobil and Chevron Texaco. This new alliance required a “special relationship” between Great Britain and the US, which still exists today. Rothschild and other wealthy European shareholders could now utilize the United States military as a Hessianized mercenary force, deployed to protect their oil interests and paid for by US taxpayers. Israel would serve the same purpose in closer proximity to the oilfields. The Israeli Mossad is less a national intelligence agency than it is a Rothschild/Rockefeller family security force.

The Rothschilds exert political control through the secretive Business Roundtable, which they created in 1909 with the help of Lord Alfred Milner and Cecil Rhodes- whose Rhodes Scholarship is granted by Cambridge University, out of which oil industry propagandist Cambridge Energy Research Associates operates. Rhodes founded De Beers and Standard Chartered Bank.

The Roundtable takes its name from the legendary knight King Arthur, whose tale of the Holy Grail is synonymous with the Illuminati notion that the Eight Families possess Sangreal or holy blood- a justification for their lording over the people and resources of the planet.

According to former British Intelligence officer John Coleman, who wrote Committee of 300, “Round Tablers armed with immense wealth from gold, diamond and drug monopolies fanned out throughout the world to take control of fiscal and monetary policies and political leadership in all countries where they operated.”

Rhodes and Oppenheimer deployed to South Africa to launch the Anglo-American conglomerate. Kuhn and Loeb were off to re-colonize America with Morgan and Rockefeller. Rudyard Kipling was sent to India. Schiff and Warburg manhandled Russia. Rothschild, Lazard and Israel Moses Seif pushed into the Middle East. At Princeton, the Round Table founded the Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) as partner to its All Souls College at Oxford. IAS was funded by the Rockefeller’s General Education Board. IAS members Robert Oppenheimer, Neils Bohr and Albert Einstein created the atomic bomb.

In 1919 Rothschild’s Business Roundtable spawned the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in London. The RIIA sponsored sister organizations around the globe, including the US Council on Foreign Relations. The RIIA is a registered charity of the Queen and, according to its annual reports, is funded largely by the Four Horsem*n. Former British Foreign Secretary and Kissinger Associates co-founder Lord Carrington is president of both the RIIA and the Bilderbergers. The inner circle at RIIA is dominated by Knights of St. John Jerusalem, Knights of Malta, Knights Templar and 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemasons.

The Knights of St. John were founded in 1070 and answer directly to the British House of Windsor. Their leading bloodline is the Villiers dynasty, which the Hong Kong Matheson family- owners of the HSBC opium laundry- married into. The Lytton family also married into the Villiers gang.

Colonel Edward Bulwer-Lytton led the English Rosicrucian secret society, which Shakespeare opaquely referred to as Rosencranz, while the Freemasons were symbolized by Guildenstern. Lytton was spiritual father of both the RIIA and Nazi fascism. In 1871 he penned a novel titled, Vril: The Power of the Coming Race. Seventy years later the Vril Society received ample mention in Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Lytton’s son became Viceroy to India in 1876 just before opium production spiked in that country. His good friend Rudyard Kipling introduced the swastika to India and later worked under Lord Beaverbrook as Propaganda Minister, alongside Sir Charles Hambro of the Hambros banking dynasty.

Children of the Roundtable elite are members of a Dionysian cult known as Children of the Sun. Initiates include Aldous Huxley, T. S. Eliot, D. H. Lawrence and H. G. Wells. Wells headed British intelligence during WWI. His books speak of a “one-world brain” and “a police of the mind”. William Butler Yeats, another Sun member, was a pal of Aleister Crowley. The two formed an Isis Cult based on a Madam Blavatsky manuscript, which called on the British aristocracy to organize itself into an Aryan priesthood. Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society and Bulwer-Lytton’s Rosicrucians joined forces to form the Thule Society, out of which the Nazis emerged.

Rothschild, Rockefeller and the rest of the Illuminati bankers backed the Nazis. Max and Paul Warburg sat on I. G. Farben’s board, as did H. A. Metz, who was director at the Warburg Bank of Manhattan- later Chase Manhattan. Bank of Manhattan director and Federal Reserve Board member C. E. Mitchell sat on the board of I. G. Farben’s US branch. In 1936 Avery Rockefeller set up a combination with the German Schroeder family, who served as Hitler’s personal bankers. Time magazine called the new Schroeder, Rockefeller & Company “the economic booster of the Rome-Berlin Axis”. Morgan Guaranty Trust and Union Banking Corporation (UBC) also funded the Nazis. UBC board member Prescott Bush is W’s grandfather.

In 1933 at the home of banker Baron Kurt von Schroeder, a deal was cut to bring Hitler to power. Attending the meeting were brothers John Foster and Allen Dulles- Rockefeller cousins and partners at law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, which represented Schroeder Bank. Schroeder, managing director T. C. Tiarks, was a director at the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England. In the spring of 1934 Bank of England Chairman Montagu Norman convened a meeting of London bankers who decided to covertly fund Hitler.

Royal Dutch/Shell Chairman Sir Henri Deterding helped in this effort. Even after the US went to war with Germany, Exxon Chairman Walter Teagle remained on the board of I. G. Chemical- the US I. G. Farben subsidiary. Exxon was integral in supplying the Nazis with tetraethyl lead, an important component of aviation fuel. Only Exxon, Du Pont and GM made the stuff. Teagle also supplied the Japanese with his product.

Exxon and I. G. Farben were such close business associates that by 1942 Thurman Arnold- head of the US Justice Department’s Anti-Trust Division- produced documents that showed, “Standard and Farben in Germany had literally carved up the world markets, with oil and chemical monopolies established all over the map.”

In 1912 railroad magnate Edward Harriman’s widow joined John D. Rockefeller in funding a eugenics research lab at Cold Spring Harbor, NY. That same year the First International Congress of Eugenics was convened in London with Winston Churchill presiding. In 1932 the conference was held in New York. Hamburg-Amerika Shipping Line, owned by George Walker and Prescott Bush, brought the German contingent to the gene-fest. One member of the German delegation was Dr. Ernst Rudin of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Genealogy in Berlin. He was unanimously elected president for his work in founding the German Society of Race Hygiene- a forerunner to Hitler’s race institutes.

As of 1998 there were still scores of lawsuits pending against Ford, Chase Manhattan, J.P. Morgan, Deutsche Bank, Allianz AG and several Swiss banks for their dealings with the Nazis.

At the heart of Hitler’s inner circle were the secret societies Germanordern (brothers of Yale’s Skull & Bones), the Thule Society, and Vril. The concepts “Great Masters”, “Adepts” and the “Great White Brotherhood”, which the Nazis used to justify their idea of Aryan superiority, were ancient ideas carried forth from the Egyptian Mystery Schools by the Teutonic Knights, the Illuminati, and Hebrew Cabalists. These same concepts can be found in today’s New Age Movement, whose New Age magazine was first published by the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge of Washington, DC. Henry Kissinger was an early supporter.

Nazi occultists believed ancient German tribes were the true keepers of the Ancient Mysteries which had their origin in Atlantis, when seven races of God-men were introduced to Earth. Thule was a Teutonic Atlantis believed by the Nazis to house these long-vanquished races, who lost their godly Annunaki powers by interbreeding with humans. At the inner core of the Thule Society were Satanists who practiced black magic.

Hitler was once described as a “child of Illuminism”.

According to Dr. Walter Langer, who did a war-time psychoanalysis of Hitler for the CIA-predecessor OSS, Hitler was also a Rothschild. Langer uncovered an Austrian police report proving Hitler’s father was an illegitimate son of a peasant cook named Maria Anna Schicklgruber, who at the time of her conception was a servant in the Vienna home of Baron Rothschild.

In May 1941 Rudolf Hess parachuted into the estate of the Duke of Hamilton, saying a supernatural force told him to negotiate with the British. Hitler was ostensibly visited by this same apparition and suddenly turned vehemently against occultism. He ordered a crackdown against Freemasons, Templars and the Theosophical Society. Suddenly the international banker crowd pulled the plug on Hitler’s finances and began to denounce him. Six months later the Hessianized US military entered WWII.

Hitler’s fate was no different than that of Saddam Hussein or Manuel Noriega. The Illuminati bankers’ modus operandi is to use men of low integrity to do their dirty work, before conveniently discarding and distancing themselves from them.

The horrific Holocaust that ensued assured sympathy for the already-planned state of Israel. Towards the end of WWII, the murderous Haganah and Stern Gangs were deployed by the Rothschild bankers to terrorize Palestinians and steal their land. Jews who escaped Hitler’s gas chambers were those of means who bought into Zionism. For a fee of $1,000- lots of money at that time- these right-wingers bought passage to Israel and escaped the fate of the poor Jews, Serbs, communists and gypsies. The whole bloody affair was a massive eugenics project. It had more to do with culling the herd along class lines, than it did with ethnicity or religion.

The key to this historic puzzle is to understand that the Rothschild/Rockefeller sangreal international bankers supported both the rise of the Nazis and the creation of Israel. None of this has anything to do with religion. It has everything to do with oil, arms, drugs, money and power. The Rothschilds say they are Jewish. The Rockefellers claim to be Christian. These are irrelevant smokescreens. Any demagogue- who blames injustice a religion or race of people- is sadly misinformed. Throughout history the Illuminati Satanists have sacrificed people of all race and religion to further their agenda of total planetary control.

Israel is not a “Jewish homeland”. It is an oil monopoly lynchpin. Its citizens are being put in harm’s way- used by the Four Horsem*n and their Eight Families-owners as geopolitical pawns in an international resource grab. No peaceful solution is possible until the stolen land is returned to its rightful Palestinian owners.


Who is “They”? | Illuminati, Nazis and the Illegal State of Israel (2024)
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