The Best Doctors in Dallas (2024)

allergy & immunology

Barbara Stark Baxter, MD Nancy Anne Finnerty, MD Elliot Joel Ginchansky, MD
Gary N. Gross, MD William Raymond Lumry, MD Michael Edward Ruff, MD
Robert Weiss Sugerman, MD


Allan Lynn Anderson, MD Azam Anwar, MD James Daniel Boehrer, MD
Robert Edwin Brockie, MD Melissa Moore Carry, MD Tony S. Das, MD
Cara Anne East, MD Charles Morton Gottlich, MD Jerrold Michael Grodin, MD
John Frank Harper, MD Shayla Thomas High, MD Charles Brooks Levin, MD
Gregory Alan Redish, MD J. Edward Rosenthal Jr., MD Michael Ned Sills, MD
Jack Wolf Spitzberg, MD Rush Barrett Steelman, MD
Christopher Robert Wyndham, MD
Clyde W. Yancy Jr., MD

cardiovascular surgery

Richard Thomson Bowman, MD David Allen Fosdick, MD
Robert F. Hebeler Jr. MD
Albert Carl Henry III, MD Michael Joseph Mack, MD Gregory John Matter, MD
Hisashi Nikaidoh, MD Hisashi Nikaidoh, MD William Steves Ring, MD
William Halsell Ryan III, MD Lonnie L. Whiddon, MD Richard Eugene Wood, MD

colon/rectal surgery

Robert Royce Cloud, MD Randall Wayne Crim, MD R.D. Dignan, MD
J. Marcus Downs, MD
Edward Robert Franko Jr., MD Philip J. Huber Jr., MD
Robert Morris Jacobson, MD Warren Eugene Lichliter, MD Narinder Kumar Monga, MD
Floyd Clark Odom, MD Don Robert Read, MD
Charles Thomas Simonton, MD
Paitoon Tulanon, MD


Lucius P. Cook III, MD Phillip James Eichhorn, MD James Henry Herndon Jr., MD

Peter Donnelly Hino, MD Karen Ann Lund, MD Michael Lynn Maris, MD
Martin Alan Menter, MD
Jerold Dennis Michaelson, MD Dennis Elbert newton III, MD
Howard Alan Rubin, MD Laura Lea Sears, MD Lori Donohue Stetler, MD
David A Whiting, MD Daniel David Witheiler, MD

emergency medicine/urgent care

A Compton Broders III, MD
John H Myers, MD Dighton Carl Packard, MD
Louis Anthony Portera, MD Robert Barkley Simonson, DO Mark Andrew Till, MD


Stephen Louis Aronoff, MD
Howard Bruce A. Baum, MD Zaven H. Chakmakjian, MD
Fred Francis Ciarochi, MD Steven G. Dorfman, MD David Feinstein, MD
Daniel W. Foster, MD Jonathan David Leffert, MD Mark Leshin, MD
Samuel Philip Marynick, MD Audrey B. Miklius, MD Julio Rosenstock, MD
Richard Alan Sachson, MD

family practice

Leonard Michael Behr, MD Guy Lee Culpepper, MD Perry Edward Gross, MD
Richard Albert Honaker, MD


Paul Kenneth Anderson, MD Daniel Carl De Marco, MD Markus Goldschmiedt, MD
John Kent Hamilton, MD Gerald Marshall Isbell III, MD Rajeev Jain, MD
Steven Michael Katzman, MD Katherine Hardy Little, MD Peter Mayer Loeb, MD
Michael J. Nunez, MD Daniel E. Polter, MD Charles Talmadge Richardson, MD
Thomas Michael Rogoff, MD Allen W. Rubin, MD Armond G. Schwartz Jr., MD
John William Secor, MD
William Edward Stevens, MD Paul R. Tarnasky, MD
Michael Franklin Weisberg, MD Nicolae Weisz, MD
Steven I. Wilkofsky, MD

family practice

Leonard Michael Behr, MD Guy Lee Culpepper, MD Perry Edward Gross, MD
Richard Albert Honaker, MD

general surgery

Richard Scott Anderson, MD Ronald Joseph Aronoff, MD W. Lee Bourland Jr., MD
John H. Cottey, MD James Alan Davidson, MD Howard C. Derrick III, MD
Ernest L. Dunn, MD Robert Stanley Henry, MD Andres Katz, MD
Joseph Allen Kuhn, MD B. Ward Lane, MD John W. Lanius, MD
Zelig Herbert Lieberman, MD Todd Mason McCarty, MD John Thomas Preskitt, MD
Robert V. Rege, MD Charles N. Rubey, MD George Thomas Shires III, MD
Bruce A. Smith, MD William H. Snyder III, MD Matthew Van Westmoreland, MD
Richard Charles Wootan, MD


Sharon Grimes Bakos, MD
John David Bertrand, MD Theodore Ernest Fogwell, MD
Robert Tau Gunby Jr., MD Richard J. Joseph, MD James Kyle Richards, MD
Claude Allen Stringer Jr., MD Kim Dawson Vernon, MD
Kathryn Kimbrough Waldrep, MD

hand surgery

H. Jay Boulas, MD Peter R. Carter, MD Arnold Vincent Dibella, MD
Michael V. Doyle, MD Paul Roscoe Ellis III, MD Hugh Allen Frederick, MD
Kenneth David Glass, MD Timothy Gordon Schacherer, MD Wilton Dennis Stripling, MD
David Juan Zehr, MD

We present our peer-based survey of the top 330 local physicians in 29 specialties.

Choosing the right doctor can be a daunting task, and establishing a relationship of trust, confidence, and comfort can take years of check-ups, office visits, and procedures. Your friends and family may be able to recommend someone, but they might not need the kind of assistance you do, delivered in the manner that you’re accustomed to. Your insurance company may have a few-and only a few-suggestions, but you’re still faced with a difficult decision based on sparse information. Finding a good gastroenterologist can give you an ulcer. Narrowing down a list of neurologists can make your head spin. Maybe you need another roster of doctors like an otolaryngologist needs another hole in the head.

But this list is different.

D Magazine surveyed 5,000 physicians in the Dallas area, asking them to recommend the best doctors in 36 different fields of medicine. We wanted to know which doctors the doctors trust. We asked them who they would see if they needed a cardiologist, oncologist, urologist, or neurosurgeon. To whom would they refer their loved ones?

Our random and confidential poll was sent to about 1,000 family-practice doctors, pediatrists, general practitioners, and internal medicine doctors in select zip codes, doctors who typically make recommendations and referrals. We then asked about 4,000 specialists within the same area. We did not include categories for specialties where the patient has little say in the selection of a doctor, such as anesthesiology and pathology. Also, as more than one doctor observed, the specialties we did choose to highlight are broad in some instances.

This list is extensive, but it is by no means entirely inclusive. We found more than 300 of the best doctors in Dallas in 29 specialties, but some doctors may be too young or too new to the area to make the kinds of contacts for referrals that other, more established physicians have. Dallas continues to attract doctors from around the country who want to start their practice in a metropolitan area with sophisticated medical technology and supporting hospitals. (See sidebar about why doctors love Dallas on p. 92.)

The number of doctors in Dallas County has jumped 12 percent-from 4,471 to 5,007 in the past four years-and we now have one doctor for every 443 residents, whereas a county of comparable size such as Maricopa, Ariz. (Phoenix), has one for every 1,313. Denver County has one physician for every 486 residents.

The largest group of doctors in Dallas practices internal medicine (794), followed by anesthesiologists (444), family practitioners (383), pediatrists (363), and obstetrician/gynecologists (316). The specialties that have grown the fastest in the past four years include oncology (45 percent), pulmonary disease (29 percent), and neurological surgery (29 percent). The only major area of medicine to show a decline has been urology, which went from 73 doctors to 67. The doctors selected for our list broadly represent the specialties, with only a few relative concentrations in fields such as cardiology, gastroenterology, and general surgery.

The location of these doctors is not as varied. Not surprisingly, the majority of doctors on our list have offices in the area’s major medical hubs. Nearly one-fourth of our best doctors have offices at Presbyterian Hospital. Baylor University Medical Center accounts for another 13 percent, while Medical City and UT Southwestern’s campus have 11 and 8 percent, respectively.

To compare our results, it may be useful to look at other respected surveys in the medical community. Every year, U.S. News & World Report does an article about the best hospitals in the country. True, a great hospital entails more than great doctors. In addition to its facilities and resources and the sophistication of its medical care, a hospital should be a coordinated network of treatment, one where patients don’t get lost-literally and figuratively-when walking from one building to another. But finally, the quality of medical care comes down to the physicians who deliver it.

To compile their rankings, the editors at U.S. News ask a random sampling of 150 board-certified physicians in each specialty to name a hospital that they consider tops in their field. They also consider mortality rate, as well as others factors including surveys by the American Hospital Association.

U.S. News recognized both Baylor and Parkland as two of the 168 top-ranked hospitals in the country. Parkland ranked eighth in gynecology; 10th in digestive disorders; 14th in kidney disease; 16th in heart; 17th in orthopedics; 19th in hormonal disorders; 20th in rheumatology; 21st in urology; 22nd in geriatrics; 24th in ear, nose, and throat; and 32nd in neurology. Baylor placed 27th in digestive disorders, 38th in gynecology, 50th in kidney disease, and 50th in pulmonary disease.

“It may have been necessary in the not-too-distant past to seek medical care outside of Dallas for some serious illnesses,€VbCrLf says Dr. Kern Wildenthal, president of UT Southwestern. “Today, it is extremely rare for a Dallas patient to leave the city to find the most advanced care possible. The overall quality of medical care in our community is exceptional, and I’m sure that Dallas will soon be regarded as one of the top destinations for patients seeking world-class treatment.€VbCrLf

In a sense, Dallas has too many quality hospitals and medical clinics to attract the national acclaim its medical community deserves. Baltimore is consistently recognized as a medical leader because of the strength of Johns Hopkins University, its one major clinical and research facility. In Dallas, the strengths of one institution can distract national attention from another equally resourceful health center.

For instance, the high level of treatment and care available in Dallas can overshadow the state-of-the-art technology and research here. Four Nobel laureates work at UT Southwestern, more than any medical school in the world, as do 11 members of the National Academy of Sciences and 11 members of the Institute of Medicine. U.S. News ranks it among the top 20 medical schools in the country.

Of course, rankings of med schools and hospitals merely provide a big-picture perspective of a community’s health care standards. They’re not very helpful when your throat is sore for a week or your child runs a fever or your parent has a stroke. For that, you need a localized list of recommended doctors, and who better to provide it than D Magazine and the doctors themselves.

Why Doctors Love Dallas
“It’s really one of the last places left where there is a common bond of excellence in medicine.”

Practicing medicine is not what it used to be. Gone are the “good old days€VbCrLf when a physician’s diagnosis was not second-guessed by a clerk working for a tight-fisted health insurance company, when reimbursem*nts were thrice what they are now, and when doctors didn’t have to hire an MBA-led management team to shuffle around patients for referrals and verify benefits in triplicate just to get paid for their services. Doctors write checks to consultants, managers, coding experts, computer software and hardware experts, and anyone else who can help keep them afloat long enough to do what they are trained to do. And the fattest check of all goes to the malpractice insurance company.

But Dallas doctors don’t have it nearly as bad as physicians in other states. For example, compared to our local OB/GYNs who pay about $35,000 a year, Florida OB/GYNs in South Miami shell out $100,000 a year (and climbing) for malpractice insurance. In New York City, those rates can run in excess of $110,000.

And insurance is only a fraction of the cost of practicing medicine. One Manhattan physician pays $7,500 per month per doctor just in building parking fees. Average cash fee to have a baby in Dallas: $3,500. In Manhattan: $7,000. California docs are still shell-shocked by the managed care movement that rocked the state in the mid-’90s. One doctor I know sells real estate when he’s not doing brain surgery.

It’s no wonder that newly minted docs are drawn to Dallas where they can make a living on a growing population with a median age of 38.6 (with insurance coverage), be free from state income tax, and enjoy a quality of life without third-degree migraines from insurers.

“My doctors love Dallas,€VbCrLf says physician recruiter Janie Hirsh of Spitzmiller, Kilgore, Hobbs & Ford. “It’s really one of the last places left where there is a common bond of excellence in medicine. And even though managed care has dented incomes, they still get adequate pay and they stick together.€VbCrLf

Good Hospitals and Great Gizmos

Doctors love to work with the latest high-tech, life-saving, or diagnostic gadgets-radio frequency thermal ablation devices, abdominal aneurysm graphs, 3D tumor and tissue mapping systems-and they have access to this equipment in Dallas hospitals. Critics say that expensive equipment drives up the cost of health care-the more diagnostic toys they have, the more doctors will use them. Although it’s not good news if you own a health insurance company, it’s music to your ears if you’ve been diagnosed with a brain tumor.

Fewer And Less Powerful HMOs

Physicians generally snub HMOs because reimbursem*nts are lower and there is always more red tape: referrals, paperwork, payment delays, and confusion over who’s making decisions. Many companies pay 20 percent more for the same medical procedure for the PPO patient than the HMO patient. For example, one prominent Texas HMO pays an OB/GYN about $1,500 for nine months of OB care, including the delivery. The same company’s PPO pays about $2,200. If you were a doctor, which patient would you rather see? And, lucky for us, HMOs are less powerful here than in other states. “Health insurance carriers in Pennsylvania are like the Mafia,€VbCrLf said one OB/GYN at a recent medical conference. “They pay when they feel like it, if they feel like it, with no penalties. Politically, Texas has a strong medical association, stronger even than the wimpy AMA.€VbCrLf

No Referral Necessary

Texas was one of the first states to give women the right to see their OB/GYN without a referral. Insurers are slowly catching on that all those referrals actually cost them more when the patient has to run back and forth to the primary care physician for permission to see a specialist. (It also takes them away from work and productivity.) United HealthCare no longer requires specialist referrals. Hopefully the other big insurers will catch on.

Strong Insurance Commissioner

Governor Rick Perry incurred the wrath of most Texas physicians this summer when he vetoed House Bill 1862, which would have tightened the screws on Texas’ 45-day pay law. (Under Texas law, insurance companies must pay physicians for contracted services on “clean claims€VbCrLf provided within 45 days. But because of the complex way claims are filed, insurers find ways to wiggle out of the law or ignore it.) To balance the scales, Perry beefed up the insurance commissioner’s powers. Recently, the state levied more than $9 million in fines against major insurers for not paying doctors. Though doctors are grateful to be paid for services rendered two years ago, only time will tell if the physicians really win: the state reaps the financial benefits, and the insurers say they will just raise premiums.

World-Class Medical Brains

Why would an obstetrician, after four years at one of the nation’s top medical schools, want to move to Dallas for his residency? For starters, the Bible of Obstetrics is written at UT Southwestern Medical School: William’s Obstetrics by Pritchard, MacDonald, Cunningham et al, current and past OB/GYN department chairs. That’s the medical text every student in the world uses to learn obstetrics. The point is that when it comes to finding a good doctor in any specialty, the best ingredient is experience. But the next step is to live in a community where the climate is such that a physician who is puzzled can call a colleague to help solve the patient’s problem. We have world-class medical minds in Dallas-four Nobel laureates work at UT Southwestern, just to name a few-which means patients here receive some of the best medical care in the world. In fact, family and friends from outside Texas call me with their medical problems, so we schedule them to fly in and see specialists here. That’s about the highest compliment that can be paid.

Click on links below for Doctor’s Profile.

allergy & immunology
Barbara Stark Baxter, MD
Nancy Anne Finnerty, MD
Elliot Joel Ginchansky, MD
Gary N. Gross, MD
William Raymond Lumry, MD
Michael Edward Ruff, MD
Robert Weiss Sugerman, MD

back to top

Allan Lynn Anderson, MD
Azam Anwar, MD
James Daniel Boehrer, MD
Robert Edwin Brockie, MD
Melissa Moore Carry, MD
Tony S. Das, MD
Cara Anne East, MD
Charles Morton Gottlich, MD
Jerrold Michael Grodin, MD
John Frank Harper, MD
Shayla Thomas High, MD
Charles Brooks Levin, MD
Gregory Alan Redish, MD
J. Edward Rosenthal Jr., MD
Michael Ned Sills, MD
Jack Wolf Spitzberg, MD
Rush Barrett Steelman, MD
Christopher Robert Wyndham, MD
Clyde W. Yancy Jr., MD

back to top

cardiovascular surgery
Richard Thomson Bowman, MD
David Allen Fosdick, MD
Robert F. Hebeler Jr. MD
Albert Carl Henry III, MD
Michael Joseph Mack, MD
Gregory John Matter, MD
Hisashi Nikaidoh, MD
Melvin R. Platt, MD
William Steves Ring, MD
William Halsell Ryan III, MD
Lonnie L. Whiddon, MD
Richard Eugene Wood, MD

back to top

colon/rectal surgery
Robert Royce Cloud, MD
Randall Wayne Crim, MD
R.D. Dignan, MD
J. Marcus Downs, MD
Edward Robert Franko Jr., MD
Philip J. Huber Jr., MD
Robert Morris Jacobson, MD
Warren Eugene Lichliter, MD
Narinder Kumar Monga, MD
Floyd Clark Odom, MD
Don Robert Read, MD
Charles Thomas Simonton, MD
Paitoon Tulanon, MD

back to top

Lucius P. Cook III, MD
Phillip James Eichhorn, MD
James Henry Herndon Jr., MD
Peter Donnelly Hino, MD
Karen Ann Lund, MD
Michael Lynn Maris, MD
Martin Alan Menter, MD
Jerold Dennis Michaelson, MD
Dennis Elbert Newton III, MD
Howard Alan Rubin, MD
Laura Lea Sears, MD
Jerald L. Sklar, MD
Lori Donohue Stetler, MD
David A. Whiting, MD
Daniel David Witheiler, MD

back to top

emergency medicine/urgent care
A. Compton Broders III, MD
John H. Myers, MD
Dighton Carl Packard, MD
Louis Anthony Portera, MD
Robert Barkley Simonson, DO
Mark Andrew Till, MD

back to top

Stephen Louis Aronoff, MD
Howard Bruce A. Baum, MD
Zaven H. Chakmakjian, MD
Fred Francis Ciarochi, MD
Steven G. Dorfman, MD
David Feinstein, MD
Daniel W. Foster, MD
Jonathan David Leffert, MD
Mark Leshin, MD
Samuel Philip Marynick, MD
Audrey B. Miklius, MD
Julio Rosenstock, MD
Richard Alan Sachson, MD

back to top

family practice
Leonard Michael Behr, MD
Guy Lee Culpepper, MD
Perry Edward Gross, MD
Richard Albert Honaker, MD

back to top

Paul Kenneth Anderson, MD
Daniel Carl De Marco, MD
Markus Goldschmiedt, MD
John Kent Hamilton, MD
Gerald Marshall Isbell III, MD
Rajeev Jain, MD
Steven Michael Katzman, MD
Katherine Hardy Little, MD
Peter Mayer Loeb, MD
Michael J. Nunez, MD
Daniel E. Polter, MD
Charles Talmadge Richardson, MD
Thomas Michael Rogoff, MD
Allen W. Rubin, MD
Armond G. Schwartz Jr., MD
John William Secor, MD
William Edward Stevens, MD
Paul R. Tarnasky, MD
Michael Franklin Weisberg, MD
Nicolae Weisz, MD
Steven I. Wilkofsky, MD

back to top

family practice
Leonard Michael Behr, MD
Guy Lee Culpepper, MD
Perry Edward Gross, MD
Richard Albert Honaker, MD

back to top

general surgery
Richard Scott Anderson, MD
Ronald Joseph Aronoff, MD
W. Lee Bourland Jr., MD
John H. Cottey, MD
James Alan Davidson, MD
Howard C. Derrick III, MD
Ernest L. Dunn, MD
Robert Stanley Henry, MD
Andres Katz, MD
Joseph Allen Kuhn, MD
B. Ward Lane, MD
John W. Lanius, MD
Zelig Herbert Lieberman, MD
Todd Mason McCarty, MD
John Thomas Preskitt, MD
Robert V. Rege, MD
Charles N. Rubey, MD
George Thomas Shires III, MD
Bruce A. Smith, MD
William H. Snyder III, MD
Matthew Van Westmoreland, MD
Richard Charles Wootan, MD

back to top

Sharon Grimes Bakos, MD
John David Bertrand, MD
Theodore Ernest Fogwell, MD
Robert Tau Gunby Jr., MD
Richard J. Joseph, MD
James Kyle Richards, MD
Claude Allen Stringer Jr., MD
Kim Dawson Vernon, MD
Kathryn Kimbrough Waldrep, MD

hand surgery
H. Jay Boulas, MD
Peter R. Carter, MD
Arnold Vincent Dibella, MD
Michael V. Doyle, MD
Paul Roscoe Ellis III, MD
Hugh Allen Frederick, MD
Kenneth David Glass, MD
Timothy Gordon Schacherer, MD
Wilton Dennis Stripling, MD
David Juan Zehr, MD

Barry Don Brooks, MD
Barry Cooper, MD
John Vernon Cox, DO
Eugene P. Frenkel, MD
Barbara Bacsik Haley, MD
Sharon R. Helms, MD
Houston E. Holmes III, MD
Ronald Neal Kerr, MD
Kristi J. McIntyre, MD
Robert Gary Mennel, MD
R. Steven Paulson, MD
Steve Perkins, MD
John E. Pippen Jr., MD
Michael Alan Savin, MD
Gabriel Avrum Shapiro, MD
Jivesh Sharma, MD
Marvin Jules Stone, MD
James F. Strauss, MD
Charles White III, MD

infectious diseases
David Michael Allen, MD
Nicholaos Constaintine Bellos, MD
Edward Leo Goodman, MD
Eliane S. Haron, MD
Marilyn Eckstein Levi, MD
James Phillip Luby, MD
Steven M. Seidenfeld, MD
Louis Marshall Sloan, MD
William Levin Sutker, MD

back to top

Karen Bradshaw, MD
Samuel John Chantilis, MD
Brian M. Cohen, MD
James Donald Madden, MD
Michael Putman, MD

back to top

internal medizine
William Mark Armstrong, MD
Mark J. Fleschler, MD
Robert Ellwood Jones III, MD
Hugh Lawson McClung IV, MD
Paul A. Neubach, MD
Stuart Frederick Owen, MD
William Gary Reed, MD
Allen Robert Schneider, DO, FACP
Paul Douglas Wade, MD

back to top

nephrology & hypertension
Karl Brinker, MD
Michael Emmett, MD
Andrew Zoltan Fenves, MD
Steven Ray Hays, MD
Venkata Ram, MD
Steven E. Rinner, MD
Russell Lee Silverstein, MD
Ruben L. Velez, MD
Bruce Raleigh Wall, MD

back to top

Stuart Barry Black, MD
Jack David Gardner, MD
Steven Paul Herzog, MD
Richard Charles Hinton, MD
Paul Windham Hurd, MD
Nolan Bruce Jenevein, MD
Herbert Irwin Leiman, MD
Alan Martin, MD
Norma Bernice Melamed, MD
Allan L. Naarden, MD
Joseph Theodore Phillips, MD
Robert Malcom Stewart, MD
Duc Tran, MD
Anna S. Tseng, MD
Gary L. Tunell, MD
Worthy R. Warnack Jr., MD
Jacob Norman Wolfman, MD
William Smiley Woodfin, MD

back to top

David Wesley Barnett, MD
Derek Andrew Bruce, MD
John Vernon Coon, MD
John Michael Desaloms, MD
S. Sam Finn, MD
William Robert Hudgins, MD
Richard Henry Jackson, MD
Martin Lewis Lazar, MD
Jerry Vincent Marlin, MD
Bruce Edward Mickey, MD
James Aubrey Moody, MD
Richard C. Naftalis, MD
Duke S. Samson, MD
Richard L. Weiner, MD

back to top

Grant Donald Gilliland, MD
Michael Spellman Harris, MD
James Hansel Merritt III, MD
Michael Spencer Milner, MD
Gordon H. Newman, MD
Norman Slusher, MD
Craig Douglas Smith, MD
William Bertrand Spencer, MD
David R. Stager, MD
Robert Mayo Tenery Jr., MD
Barry Wayne Uhr, MD

back to top

organ transplant
Richard M. Dickerman, MD
Robert Michael Goldstein, MD
Goran B.G. Klintmalm, MD
Marlon Frantz Levy, MD

back to top

orthopedic surgery
Phil Hunter Berry Jr., MD
Wayne Z. Burkhead Jr., MD
Craig Carter Callewart, MD
Michael James Champine, MD
Daniel E. Cooper, MD
Andrew B. Dossett, MD
Carl Lee Highgenboten, MD
James Bertram Montgomery, MD
Paul Conrad Peters Jr., MD
John Anthony Racanelli, MD
Kurt Walter Rathjen, MD
Charles Storey Rutherford, MD
Robert Russell Scheinberg, MD
Richard Schubert, MD

back to top

Evan Scott Bates, MD
Henry Maurice Carder, MD
Bradford Allen Gamble, MD
Gary Paul Goldsmith, MD
Mark Alan Hardin, MD
Wayne R. Kirkham, MD
Stephen A. Landers, MD
Presley Martin Mock, MD
Gregory Neal Rohn, MD
Peter S. Roland, MD
Roger Glynn Skiles, MD
Jerry Friend Sudderth, MD
Lawrence Scott Weprin, MD

back to top

physical medicine & rehabilitation
Mary C. Carlile, MD
Arvind Venkata Peddada, MD
Barry S. Smith, MD

back to top

pulmonary disease
Ken Allen Ausloos, MD
Arturo Emilio Aviles, MD
Robert Wade Baird, MD
Robert Dan Black, MD
Timothy Rae Chappell, MD
Laurence Eason, MD
Andrew Scott Gefland, MD
Michael Lee Gidcomb, MD
John David Hughes, MD
John Michael Jordan, MD
Mark Warren Millard, MD
Randall L. Rosenblatt, MD
Wyatt E. Rousseau, MD
Allan Neil Shulkin, MD
Joseph Viroslav, MD
Kenney Don Weinmeister, MD
Gary Lewis Weinstein, MD

back to top

William I. Dittman, MD
Paul H. Ellenbogen, MD
Peter G. Hildenbrand, MD
Bradford Frank Reeves, MD
Cynthia Sherry, MD
Michael John Smerud, MD
Herbert Louis Steinbach Jr., MD

back to top

Alan Lawrence Brodsky, MD
Don Elwood Cheatum, MD
Stanley Bruce Cohen, MD
Allan David Duby, MD
Richard Charles Merriman, MD
Scott Jeffrey Zashin, MD

back to top

Mark Lee Allen, MD
James Sheridan Cochran, MD
James Tyler Coggins, MD
David Harris Ewalt, MD
Brian Arthur Feagins, MD
Josua Kory Fine, MD
Steve Marshall Frost, MD
Pat Fox Fulgham, MD
Michael Goldstein, MD
Michael B. Gruber, MD
George Ellison Hurt Jr., MD
John D. McConnell, MD
Donald Lee McKay Jr., MD
Mitchell O. Moskowitz, MD
Robert C. Schoenvogel, MD
Matthew Leonard Wilner, MD

back to top

vascular surgery
G. Patrick Clagett, MD
Wilson Van Garrett, MD
Gregory J. Pearl, MD
Bertram L. Smith III, MD
R. James Valentine, MD

Barbara Stark Baxter, M.D., F.A.C.P.
6114 Sherry Lane
Dallas, TX 75225
214-368-4384 (fax)

Specialty: Allergy and Asthma

Education: B.A., Smith College;
M.D., Columbia University

Board certified in Internal Medicine and Allergy-Immunology, Dr. Baxter practices in North Dallas. A Fellow of the American College of Physicians and American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, Dr. Baxter is a Clinical Associate Professor at UT Southwestern. Dr. Baxter is founder and Medical Director of Agape Clinic, a free clinic in East Dallas, and serves on the Board of Los Barrios Unidos Community Clinic. For these efforts, she has received the Freedoms Foundation Award, the JCPenney Golden Rule Award, and the DCMSA Aesculapius Award. Married to David Baxter with three children, she is a member of Genesis Physicians Group.

Robert W. Sugerman, M.D.
7777 Forest Lane, Ste. B-332
Dallas, TX 75230
972-566-8837 (fax)

Specialty: Allergy / Immunology

Education: B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.D., Baylor College of Medicine

Dr. Sugerman completed a residency in pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati and fellowship in allergy and clinical immunology at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. He came to Dallas to enter the practice of allergy and immunology in 1995. He is a Clinical Instructor of Pediatrics at UT Southwestern Medical School and is also an active member of the medical staff at The North Texas Hospital for Children. Dr. Sugerman’s professional interests include asthma, anaphylaxis, and primary immunodeficiency. When not engaged in patient care, he enjoys spending time with his wife, Susan, and three sons, Ian, Adam, and Seth.

Allan Anderson, M.D.
7777 Forest Lane, Ste. D-565
Dallas, TX 75230
972-566-3827 (fax)

Specialty: Cardiovascular Medicine

Education: M.D., Baylor College of Medicine, Houston

Dr. Anderson, board certified in cardiovascular disease and echocardiography, is a shareholder physician with North Texas Heart Center. His medical interests include echocardiography, management of patients with heart failure, and stroke prevention. Dr. Anderson completed his post-graduate training at Baylor Affiliated Hospitals and University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He is a member of the HCA Clinical Cardiovascular Excellence Panel and has spoken and published in the areas of cardiovascular outcomes improvement and bioethics. Dr. Anderson has held leadership positions at Highland Park United Methodist Church and the American Heart Association, Dallas Division. He and his wife, Kay, have two children.

Azam Anwar, M.D.
411 N. Washington, Ste. 2200
Dallas, TX 75246
214-841-2015 (fax)

Specialty: Interventional Cardiology

Education: B.S., University of Missouri; M.D., University of Missouri,
Kansas City School of Medicine

Dr. Anwar, a board certified interventional cardiologist, has been practicing at Baylor University Medical Center with HeartPlace for 11 years. He completed his cardiology training at the University of Texas-San Antonio and his interventional cardiology fellowship in San Francisco. Dr. Anwar’s expertise is in cardiovascular stenting, coronary radiation therapy, peripheral interventions, atherectomy, valvuloplasty, high risk angioplasty, and investigational devices. He helped to develop a coronary stent and invented the Oz Palm Injector to facilitate procedures. He is also the director of the interventional cardiology fellowship program at Baylor. He lives in Dallas with his wife, Lisa, and their daughter.

Tony S. Das, M.D., F.A.C.C.
Cardiology and Internal Medicine Associates
7150 Greenville Ave.
Dallas, TX 75231
214-706-2003 (fax)

Specialty: Cardiology, Coronary and Peripheral Vascular Interventions

Education: B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.D., Baylor College of Medicine

Dr. Das is a board certified interventional cardiologist specializing in minimally invasive therapy for complex vascular disease. He has advanced training from Harvard and the Texas Heart Institute in angioplasty, laser and stent therapy for coronary and peripheral vascular disease, including abdominal aneurysms. He performs over 700 procedures a year. Dr. Das is the Assistant Director of the Cardiac Catheterization Lab at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas and the Director of Peripheral Interventions. He serves as a national proctor for the techniques of peripheral vascular angioplasty and laser therapy. He has spoken internationally on interventional cardiology and is actively involved in clinical research.

Cara East, M.D.
3600 Gaston Ave., Ste. 851
Dallas, TX 75246
214-826-0848 (fax)

Specialty: Cardiovascular Medicine

Education: M.D., UT Southwestern Medical School

Dr. East, board certified in internal medicine, endocrinology and metabolism, and cardiovascular diseases, is a shareholder physician with North Texas Heart Center. She is a recognized expert in the diagnosis and treatment of cholesterol triglyceride and lipid disorders and has dedicated 12 years to cardiac research. She is the director of the Noninvasive Cardiology Department at Baylor University Medical Center. Dr. East is a scientific reviewer for Annals of Internal Medicine, Journal of Lipid Research, and American Journal of Cardiology. She is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and member of American Heart Association and American Medical Association.

John Harper, M.D.
8440 Walnut Hill Ln., Ste. 700
Dallas, TX 75231
214-361-3352 (fax)

Specialty: Cardiovascular Medicine

Education: M.D., UT Southwestern
Medical School

Dr. Harper, board certified in internal medicine and cardiovascular disease, is a shareholder physician with North Texas Heart Center. He served as Chief of Cardiology for Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas from 1992 to 2000. Dr. Harper is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and American Heart Association’s Council of Clinical Cardiology and a counselor for the American Heart Association of Texas. Dr. Harper, named to Best Doctors of America and “Top Doctors,€VbCrLf is involved in medical teaching and has particular interest in literature and medicine. Dr. Harper and his wife, Laurie, have four children.

J. Edward Rosenthal, M.D., F.A.C.C.
7777 Forest Lane, Ste. A-202
Dallas, TX 75230
972-566-7753 (fax)

Specialty: Cardiovascular Medicine

Education: M.D., UT Southwestern Medical School at Dallas

Dr. Rosenthal is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology and a board-certified cardiologist with the Dallas Heart Group ( and CSANT physician group ( He holds a special interest in heart failure, cardiac transplantation, and interventional cardiology and actively supports research studies with the Cardiopulmonary Research Science and Technology Institute ( Rosenthal received his M.D. from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School at Dallas. He completed his Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine as well as a one-year Cardiology Fellowship at Parkland Hospital in Dallas. He then completed a Cardiology Fellowship at Yale University.

Jack W. Spitzberg, M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.C.
Cardiology and Internal Medicine Associates
7150 Greenville Ave.
Dallas, TX 75231
214-706-2003 (fax)

Specialty: Cardiology, Diagnostic and Invasive

Education: B.A., Harvard University; M.D., Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeon

Dr. Spitzberg is a member of the Texas and American Medical Associations and is board certified in cardiology and internal medicine. He graduated magna cum laude from Harvard and trained at Stanford University. He specializes in hypertension and coronary artery disease and is an invasive cardiologist. Dr. Spitzberg is on the staff of Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas. He is a member of the Council of Clinical Cardiology of the American Heart Association and past president of the American Heart Association, Dallas. He was named a top doctor in Dallas in 1997 and 1999. Dr. Spitzberg is a frequent speaker on cardiovascular disease.

R. Barrett Steelman, M.D.
8440 Walnut Hill Ln., Ste. 700
Dallas, TX 75231
214-361-3352 (fax)

Specialty: Cardiovascular Medicine

Education: M.D., Hahnemann (Allegheny) University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

Dr. Steelman, board certified in internal medicine and cardiovascular disease, is the senior physician with North Texas Heart Center, a group practice specializing in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular disease. A fellow of the American College of Physicians and the American Heart Association’s Council of Clinical Cardiology, he served as Chief of Cardiology for Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas for 15 years. Dr. Steelman attended medical school in Philadelphia and completed post-graduate cardiology training at Georgetown University Hospital, Washington, D.C., and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA. He served in the U.S. Army Medical Corps before entering
private practice.

Christopher Wyndham, M.D.
8440 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 700
Dallas, TX 75231
214-361-3352 (fax)

Specialty: Cardiovascular Medicine, Electrophysiology

Education: M.D., University of Adelaide Medical School, Australia

Dr. Wyndham, a specialist in electrophysiology and expert on arrhythmia management, is a shareholder physician of North Texas Heart Center. He is active in electrophysiology research and development-a nationally recognized leader in his field. Dr. Wyndham is experienced in conducting electrophysiology studies and is involved in ablation research protocols with the CRSTI research organization ( He has published over 130 papers in cardiac electrophysiology, served as scientific reviewer for nine cardiology journals, and conducts several national research studies. He is a Fellow of American College of Cardiology and a member of the American Heart Association and its Council on Basic Research.

Richard Bowman, M.D.
1600 Coit Road, Ste. 309
Plano, TX 75075
972-596-7078 (fax)

Specialty: Surgery, Cardiovascular/Thoracic

Education: M.D., University of California Medical School, Los Angeles

Dr. Bowman, a partner with CSANT physician group ( and researcher with the CRSTI research organization (, is board certified in thoracic and vascular surgery. His medical interests include all areas of cardiac and vascular surgery and heart transplantation. He trained in cardiac, vascular, and transplantation with Dr. Denton Cooley and was one of the first U.N.O.S. certified heart transplant surgeons in North Texas. He trained in general surgery at Massachusetts General, Harvard Medical School. In 1990, Bowman co-founded the heart and lung transplant program at Medical City Dallas. Dr. Bowman maintains privileges at Medical Center of Plano and many North Texas hospitals.

David Fosdick, M.D.
8230 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 208
Dallas, TX 75231
214-692-6265 (fax)

Specialty: Surgery, Cardiothoracic

Education: B.S., University of Michigan; M.D., University of Michigan School of Medicine

Dr. Fosdick, a surgeon for over 20 years, is former president of CSANT physician group ( and past president of the medical staff of Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas. He is an active researcher with Cardiopulmonary Research Science and Technology Institute ( Dr. Fosdick is board certified in general and cardiothoracic surgery. His medical interests include all aspects of cardiovascular and thoracic surgery, with particular expertise in intra-thoracic tumors (including bronchcogenic and esophageal malignancies), sympathectomy, coronary and valvular heart disease, and peripheral vascular disease. He is a member of the American College of Surgeons, the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, and the Texas Medical Association.

Michael J. Mack, M.D.
8440 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 705
Dallas, TX 75231
214-750-7023 (fax)

Specialty: Surgery, Cardiothoracic and Transplant

Education: B.A., B.S., Boston College; M.D., St. Louis University

Dr. Mack, a pioneer in heart and lung transplantation, robotic-assisted technology, and minimally invasive surgery, is a founder of CSANT physician group ( and nonprofit Cardiopulmonary Research Science and Technology Institute (CRSTI) ( Dr. Mack served on the world’s first team performing robotic-assisted bypass surgery in Germany and is a site member on the National Science Foundation’s Committee on Robotics and Computer Integrated Surgical Systems. He established Texas’ second largest heart and lung transplant program at Medical City Dallas Hospital. Mack has published over 100 peer review articles, 60 book chapters, made over 150 presentations in 30 countries, and edited four textbooks.

Gregory Matter, M.D.
411 N. Washington, Ste. 2200
Dallas, TX 75246
214-841-2015 (fax)

Specialty: Cardiothoracic Surgery

Education: B.S. University of Texas in Austin; M.D. Baylor College of Medicine, Houston

Dr. Matter has been a practicing surgeon for seven years at Baylor University Medical Center. He has performed over 2,000 heart operations with short hospitalizations. Considered a top cardiothoracic surgeon in North Texas , he receives referrals from multiple national and international cardiologists. His general surgery training and cardiothoracic surgery training was completed at the University of Alabama-Birmingham. His expertise lies in multiple bypasses, repeat operations, and heart valve surgery. His research efforts involve operating on the elderly. Dr. Matter is board certified by the American Board of Thoracic Surgery. When not caring for his patients, he spends time with his son, Andrew.

Melvin R. Platt, M.D.
8230 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 208
Dallas, TX 75231
214-692-6265 (fax)

Specialty: Surgery, Cardiovascular/Thoracic

Education: B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.D., Baylor College of Medicine

Dr. Platt, a surgeon for 20 years, is a partner with CSANT physician group ( and an active researcher with the nonprofit Cardiopulmonary Research Science and Technology Institute ( He is board certified in thoracic and vascular surgery, and his medical interests include mitral valve repair and the extended use of arterial bypass grafts. Dr. Platt completed his internship and residency in general, cardiothoracic, and vascular surgery at Massachusetts General Hospital. He also completed a residency at UT Southwestern Medical School. Dr. Platt is a member of the American College of Surgeons, Society of Thoracic Surgeons, and the Texas Surgical Society.

William H. Ryan, M.D.
8230 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 208
Dallas, TX 75231
214-692-6265 (fax)

Specialty: Surgery, Cardiovascular/Thoracic

Education: B.S., Davidson College; M.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine

Dr. Ryan, a surgeon for 20 years and partner of CSANT physician group (, is an active researcher with nonprofit Cardiopulmonary Research Science and Technology Institute ( He is board certified in thoracic and vascular surgery and completed certification in minimally invasive procedures. Dr. Ryan’s medical interests include valve preservation surgery, including complex valve repairs, the Ross procedure, atrial fibrillation procedures, and minimally invasive cardiac surgery. His experience and expertise with complicated valve procedures is recognized throughout the region and the United States, presenting his findings at dozens of surgical conferences. He is a member of American College of Surgeons and Society of Thoracic Surgeons.

Robert Cloud, M.D.
12200 Park Central Drive, Ste. 100
Dallas, TX 75251
972-788-4971 (fax)

Specialty: Colon and Rectal Surgery

Education: Tulane Medical School

Dr. Cloud is board certified in both general surgery and colon and rectal surgery and limits his practice to colon and rectal surgery. Dr. Cloud has an active interest in colon cancer prevention and offers both colonoscopy and flexible sigmoidoscopy screening programs as well as a toll-free cancer screening information line at 1-888-482-4581. He is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, and the Texas Surgical Society. Dr. Cloud has three children, and he and his wife, Connie, reside in Dallas.

Edward R. Franko, M.D.
3409 Worth St., Ste. 500
Dallas, TX 75246
530 Clara Barton #262
Garland, TX 75042
214-823-9527 (fax)

Specialty: Colon and Rectal Surgery

Education: M.D., Medical College of Ohio

Dr. Franko graduated from Medical College of Ohio with honors and was elected to the prestigious A.O.A. his junior year. His surgery residencies included Baylor, the Cleveland Clinic, and a New York hospital where he was named “Outstanding Chief Resident.€VbCrLf His is board certified and holds fellowships in both colorectal and general surgeries. He is assistant chief of Baylor’s Department of Colorectal Surgery and active in its teaching program. He and his wife, Kelly, are involved in the Downtown Pregnancy Center where he serves as Medical Director. They live in Dallas with their two daughters

Robert Jacobson, M.D.
3409 Worth St., Ste. 500
Dallas, TX 75243
214-696-3738 (fax)

Specialty: Colon and Rectal Surgery

Education: B.S., Purdue University; M.D., Temple University

Dr. Jacobson is a member of the Dallas County Medical Society and has been actively practicing colon and rectal surgery in Dallas since 1977. He completed a surgical residency
at Baylor Medical Center and a fellowship in colon and rectal surgery at the Lahey Clinic in Boston. He has board certifications in general surgery, colon and rectal surgery, laser surgery, laparoscopy, and ultrasound evaluations. He is a member of the Texas Surgical Society, American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons, a fellow of the American College of Surgeons, and founding member of the Society of Gastroendoscopy Surgeons. He also trained in Leads, England under Professor Goligher.

Warren E. Lichliter, M.D.
3409 Worth St., Ste. 500
Dallas, TX 75246
214-821-7756 (fax)

Specialty: Colon and Rectal Surgery

Education: M.D., University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston

Dr. Lichliter graduated AOA from the UT Medical Branch in Galveston in 1978 and is board certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Colon Rectal Surgery. He practices at Baylor University Medical Center where he is former president of the medical staff and chairman of the medical board. He is currently chief of the Department of Colon Rectal Surgery, program director of the Colon Rectal Surgical Residency, and associate professor of the Department of General Surgery. He is a former member of the board for the American Cancer Society and serves on the Dallas County Medical Society board.

Narinder K. Monga, M.D.
221 W. Colorado Blvd., Ste. 165
Dallas, TX 75208
214-942-5035 (fax)

Specialty: Surgery, Colon, Rectal and Colonoscopy

Education: M.D., India; Colon-Rectal Surgery Fellowship, Baylor University Medical Center

Dr. Monga is board certified and chief of colon-rectal surgery section at Methodist Hospitals of Dallas. A member-delegate to TMA, fellow of American College of Surgeons, and American Society of Colon Rectal Surgeons, he served on the boards of the Dallas County Medical Society and Human Services Commission, City of Dallas. Involved with several non-profit organizations and medical associations, he has received many honors including the American Cancer Society’s “Sword of Hope€VbCrLf award. He was named “Best Physician€VbCrLf by the Greater Dallas Asian-American Chamber of Commerce. He and his wife, Chander, reside in Dallas and have two children, Ashish and Nidhi.

Don R. Read, M.D.
7777 Forest Lane, Ste. A-321
Dallas, TX 75230
972-233-9120 (fax)

Specialty: Colon and Rectal Surgery

Education: B.S., Austin College, M.D., UT Medical Branch

Dr. Read, board certified in both colon and rectal surgery and general surgery, has spoken on colon and rectal surgery in Europe, South America, and throughout the U.S. A Fellow of both the American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons and the American College of Surgeons, Read served as President of the Medical Staff at Medical City Dallas Hospital and as Director of Surgical Education at Cook County Hospital in Chicago. A native of Dallas and graduate of the University of Texas Medical Branch, he is President-elect of the Dallas County Medical Society.

Michael L. Maris, M.D.
10 Medical Pkwy., Ste. 304
Dallas, TX 75234
972-406-1950 (fax)

Specialty: Dermatology/Cosmetic Surgery

Education: B.S., Baylor University; M.D., Texas Tech University School of Medicine

Dr. Maris is board certified in dermatology, and his areas of expertise are rejuvenation of the face, tumescent liposuction, and laser surgery. He has been twice named to Best Doctors in America, as well as Best Doctors in Dallas. In addition to his private practice, he serves as Associate Professor of Dermatology at UT Southwestern, where he lectures on cosmetic surgery procedures and has co-authored a book on skin health, “Looking Forever Young.€VbCrLf He is an active member at Prestonwood Baptist Church, where he recently served as chairman of deacons. Dr. Maris and his wife, Micki, reside in Plano and have two daughters, Morgan and Meredith.

Alan Menter, M.D.
5310 Harvest Hill Rd., Ste. 260
Dallas, TX 75230
972-661-3255 (fax)

Specialty: Dermatology

Education: Fellowships: London, England and UT Southwestern
Medical Center

Dr. Menter, Chief of Dermatology at Baylor Dallas, is board certified in dermatology. He is clinical professor at UT Southwestern, past president of the Texas Dermatological Society, and past board member of the American Academy of Dermatology. The author of over 100 publications, including co-author of the first gene discovery paper for Psoriasis in Science in 1994, he undertakes multiple research studies. He recently completed the definitive Botox study submitted to the FDA. Named one of the Best Doctors in America from 1992 to 2001, Dr. Menter is on the Editorial Board, Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.

Jerold D. Michaelson, M.D.
8220 Walnut Hill Ln., Ste. 512
Dallas, TX 75231
214-369-7872 (fax)

Specialty: Dermatology

Education: Undergraduate work at SMU; M.D., UT Southwestern

Dr. Michaelson is a member of the Dallas Dermatology Society, Texas Dermatology Society, and the American Academy of Dermatology. He is a board-certified dermatologist and has been in private practice since 1973. Dr. Michaelson and his wife reside in North Dallas and have a daughter who lives in Dallas, a daughter who lives in New York, and two grandchildren.

Dennis E. Newton, M.D.
Dermatology Consultants
10 Medical Pkwy., Ste. 304
Dallas, TX 75234
972-406-1950 (fax)

Specialty: Dermatology/Cosmetic Surgery

Education: B.S., Texas A&M University; M.D., University of Texas Medical Branch

Dr. Newton is the past President of the Dallas Dermatological Society, the Texas Dermatological Society, and the past Chief of Staff of RHD Memorial Medical Center. He is committed to sharing his knowledge as a Clinical Professor at UT Southwestern Medical School. He also teaches medical students, dermatologists, and physicians in his office. He has been listed in D Magazine’s “Best Doctors in Dallas€VbCrLf in 1992, 1996, and 2001 and the “Best Doctors in America€VbCrLf since 1996. His special interests are laser surgery, treatment of leg and facial veins, wrinkles and discolored skin, and reversing the signs of sun damage.

Lori D. Stetler, M.D.
8201 Preston Rd. #350
Dallas, Texas 75225
214-631-8546 (fax)

Specialty: Dermatology

Education: B.S., Baylor University; M.D., UT Southwestern

Board certified in Dermatology, Dr. Stetler began private practice in 1993. Her interests include dermatologic surgery with expertise in laser surgery and cosmetic dermatology. A clinical professor at UT Southwestern, Dr. Stetler was instrumental in starting Parkland’s Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic where she trains residents and medical students in cosmetic procedures. She was one of the first physicians to begin using the ultrapulse CO2 laser for treating wrinkles, photodamage, and acne scarring. Active in the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, she is married to Charles Stetler, DDS with two sons. Dr. Stetler is a member of Genesis Physicians Group.

Samuel P. Marynick, M.D.
3707 Gaston Ave., Ste. 325
Dallas, TX 75246
214-821-5015 (fax)

Specialties: Endocrinology and Metabolism, Reproductive Medicine

Education: B.A., University of the South; M.S., Tulane University; M.D., UT Southwestern Medical School

Dr. Marynick is an Attending Physician at Baylor University Medical Center, Program Director at the Baylor Center for Reproductive Health and a Fellow of the American College of Physicians, the American College of Endocrinology and the College of Reproductive Biology. Board certified in Internal Medicine, Endocrinology and Metabolism, High Complexity Laboratory Testing, Andrology and Embryology, Dr. Marynick’s interests include all areas of endocrinology and metabolism with a significant portion of his practice devoted to infertility, assisted reproduction technologies, neuroendocrinology, growth disorders, thyroid, bone and mineral metabolism. Dr. Marynick is listed in the Center for the Study of Services Guide to Top Doctors under both Endocrinology and Infertility.

Markus Goldschmiedt, M.D.
1600 Coit Rd., Ste. 401
Plano, TX 75075
972-596-8545 (fax)

Specialty: Gastroenterology

Education: M.D., Peru

Dr. Goldschmiedt is board certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology. He was Director of GI Endoscopy at Parkland Memorial Hospital for five years prior to going into practice in Plano. He has been selected as one of the Top Doctors in Dallas, as one of the Top Doctors in America, and as a lifetime member in the National Registry of Who’s Who. Dr. Goldschmiedt sees patients by referral only.

John W. Secor, M.D.
8220 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 214
Dallas, Texas 75231
214-368-1804 (fax)

Specialty: Gastroenterology

Education: B.S., Rice University; M.D., UT Southwestern

Now in his 15th year in private practice, Dr. Secor is board certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology. His areas of clinical interest include colon cancer screening, Celiac disease, esophageal dilation, and liver diseases. A founding member of Digestive Health Associates of Texas, Dr. Secor currently serves as chair of the DHAT Internet Committee and co-chair of DHAT’s Quality Committee. He is associated with several groups including the American College of Physicians, Texas Medical Association, Christian Medical Association, Texas Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, and Genesis Physicians Group. He is married to Sandy, and they have two children.

Michael F. Weisberg, M.D.
1600 Coit Road, Ste. 401
Plano, TX 75075
972-596-8545 (fax)

Specialty: Gastroenterology

Education: B.A., Vanderbilt University; M.D., Baylor College of Medicine

Dr. Weisberg is board certified in Internal Medicine and in Gastroenterology. He has been in practice for more than 10 years. He was a founding member of Digestive Health Associates of Texas, P.A. and has been an active member of various committees at Medical Center of Plano Hospital. He and his partners established Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Center seven years ago adjacent to their office, where Dr. Weisberg does most of his procedures. When not working, he enjoys being with his family, sports, reading, travel, and opera. He and his wife, Sheryl, have three children. Dr. Weisberg sees patient by referral only.

Nicolae (Mickey) Weisz, M.D.
Texas Digestive Disease
3409 Worth St., Ste. 700
Dallas, TX 75246
214-820-7463 (fax)

Specialty: Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastrointestinal Bleeding, Gastroesophageal Reflux, Liver Disorders, General Gastroenterology, Colon Cancer Screening

Education: B.A., Case Western Reserve University; M.D., Ohio State University

Following his graduation from medical school, Dr. Weisz completed a residency at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and a Fellowship at UCLA Medical Center. He was a member of the clinical faculty at UCLA School of Medicine and is a clinical faculty member at Baylor University Medical Center. A member of Alpha Omega Alpha (Medical Honor Society), the American Gastroenterological Association, and the Texas Medical Association, he serves on the Transfusion Committee at Baylor and the Executive Medical Board of Texas Surgery Center committee. A firm believer in continuing medical education, Dr. Weisz coordinates speakers and articles for Baylor’s Gastrointestinal Journal Club.

Joseph A. Kuhn, M.D.
3409 Worth Street, Ste. 420
Dallas, TX 75246
214-824-7167 (fax)

Specialty: General Surgery/
Surgical Oncology

Education: M.D., Texas
A&M University

Dr. Kuhn is board certified in General Surgery and Critical Care. He completed a fellowship in Surgical Oncology at the City of Hope in Los Angeles. As the Assistant Director of Surgical Education at Baylor University Medical Center, he is actively involved in surgical advances in breast cancer, melanoma, pancreas and liver tumors, and bariatric surgery. He is active with the American Cancer Society and is the State Chair for the Commission on Cancer. Dr. Kuhn and his wife, Mollie, reside in Dallas with their three children, Kristin, Courtney, and Kevin.

Todd McCarty, M.D.
3409 Worth Street, Ste. 420
214-824-7167 (fax)

Specialty: General Surgery

Education: M.D., UT Southwestern Medical School

Dr. McCarty specializes in the treatment and research of many surgical illnesses, including cancer and obesity-related diseases. He is a member of numerous professional organizations, including the American College of Surgeons, American Medical Association, American Society of Clinical Oncology, Society of Surgical Oncology, American Society of Bariatric Surgeons, and others. Dr. McCarty’s research efforts have been recognized by the National Academy of Sciences, American Cancer Society, and other national organizations. He has an academic teaching appointment and practices general surgery at Baylor University Medical Center. Dr. McCarty is married, has two children, and resides in Dallas.

Matthew V. Westmoreland, M.D., P.A., F.A.C.S.
3808 Swiss
Dallas, TX 75204
214-824-2404 (fax)

Specialty: General & Laparoscopic Surgery

Education: B.A., Southern Methodist University; M.D., UT Southwestern Medical School

Dr. Westmoreland was born and raised in Dallas. After attending SMU and UT Southwestern, he completed his surgical training at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas where is currently an attending surgeon on the teaching staff. Dr. Westmoreland is board certified by the American Board of Surgery and is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. His special interest and expertise is in advanced laparoscopic surgery. Dr. Westmoreland, his wife, Tina, and two children, Rachel and Luke, reside in Dallas.

John D. Bertrand, M.D.
8305 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 100
Dallas, TX 75231
214-363-5906 (fax)

Specialty: Obstetrics, Gynecology
& Infertility

Education: B.S., Baylor; M.D., UT Southwestern

Dr. Bertrand is a clinical professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UT Southwestern and Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He has taught and chaired over 200 courses on topics including infertility, bladder surgery, hysteroscopy, and laparoscopy. He was elected to the Society of Reproductive Surgeons by
the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. With his interest in minimally invasive gynecological surgery, Dr. Bertrand serves on the Presbyterian Institute for Minimally Invasive Technology Board. Bertrand and his wife, Andrea, reside in University Park. Their blended family includes 13 children and one grandchild. He is a member of Genesis Physicians Group.

James Kyle Richards, M.D.
8305 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste.100
Dallas, TX 75231
214-363-5906 (fax)

Specialty: Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Infertility

Education: B.A., Austin College, M.D., UT Southwestern

Board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Richards is a member of the Dallas County, Texas and American Medical Associations. He is a Clinical Professor in the OB/GYN Department at UT Southwestern. His father and brother preceded him as UT Southwestern graduates. Dr. Richards’ medical practice is exclusively at Presbyterian Dallas where he serves on the departmental Advisory Committee and the Clinical Risk Assessment committee. Married to his high school sweetheart for 31 years, Dr. Richards and his wife reside in Highland Park. They have sons at UT San Antonio Medical School and University of Denver. Richards is a member of Genesis Physicians Group.

Kim D. Vernon, M.D.
7777 Forest Lane, Ste. D-570
Dallas, TX 75230
972-566-6413 (fax)

Specialty: Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Infertility

Education: B.A., University of Texas; M.D., UTHSC-San Antonio

Dr. Vernon is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology, specializing in laparoscopic surgery. She is currently President of Medical Staff at Medical City Dallas. Dr. Vernon is a member of the Dallas County Medical Society, serving on its Board of Directors 1995-1997. She is a member of the American Medical Association and the Texas Medical Association, serving on TMA’s Patient-Physician Advocacy Committee since 1989. She is an active member of MediSend/International and Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church where she serves on the Global Mission Committee. Dr. Vernon and her attorney husband, John, have two children, Taylor, 18, and Lauren, 16.

Kathryn K. Waldrep, M.D.
7777 Forest Lane, Ste. D-570
Dallas, TX 75230
972-566-6413 (fax)

Specialty: Obstetrics, Gynecology & Infertility

Education: B.A. & M.S., SMU; M.D., UTHSC-Dallas Southwestern

Dr. Waldrep is a board certified obstetrician gynecologist, specializing in laparoscopic and minimally invasive surgery including hysterectomy, pelvic floor reconstruction, and treatment of urinary incontinence. She has served as President of Medical Staff and Chairman of Departments of Surgery and OBGyn at Medical City Dallas. In the Dallas community, Dr. Waldrep serves on the Boards of the International Women’s Forum, Science Place, MediSend/International, and Young Life. She has been spotlighted in numerous articles and is a frequent speaker on women’s health issues. She is an active member of Fellowship Bible Church. Dr. Waldrep and her husband, David, have three children ages 23, 18, and 8.

Arnold V. DiBella, M.D.
3600 Gaston Ave., Ste. 450
Dallas, TX 75246
214-823-2060 (fax)

Specialty: Hand Surgery, Orthopaedic

Education: University of Cape Town, South Africa

Dr. DiBella obtained his medical degree and completed internships in multiple disciplines in Capetown, South Africa and London, England. Dr. DiBella then moved to the U.S. with his family and completed his orthopaedic residency and fellowship in hand surgery at the University of Connecticut. He is board certified by the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgeons and received added certification in hand surgery. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Southwestern Medical School. Dr. DiBella has hospital privileges at Baylor Medical Center. He belongs to the American Society for Surgery of the Hand and American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Paul R. Ellis, III. M.D.
3600 Gaston Ave., Ste. 450
Dallas, TX 75246
214-823-2060 (fax)

Specialty: Hand Surgery, Orthopaedic

Education: B.A., University of Texas at Austin; J.D., SMU School of Law; M.D.,UT Southwestern

Dr. Ellis is a diplomat of the American Board of Orthopaedic Surgery, a fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, and a member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. He is a partner of Lankford Hand Surgery Association at Baylor Medical Center and Chief of Hand Service at the Dallas V.A. Hospital. He actively teaches orthopaedic residents and is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Southwestern Medical School. Dr. Ellis, his wife Trish, and three children Ryan, Becca, and Kyle reside in Dallas. He enjoys sports, boating, fishing, and camping with his family.

Hugh A. “Bo€VbCrLf Frederick, M.D.
2731 Lemmon Ave. East, Ste. 300
Dallas, TX 75204
214-528-3074 (fax)

Specialty: Hand Surgery

Education: M.D., University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston

Dr. Frederick specializes in problems involving the hand, wrist, and elbow. He has a particular interest in fractures, nerve and tendon injuries, sports injuries, and arthritis. He is a member of a number of professional societies including the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgery and the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. He is board certified in orthopedics with added qualification in hand surgery. He is a staff member at Baylor and Mary Shiels Hospitals and a clinical associate professor at UT Southwestern. Dr. Frederick has published numerous articles and is a frequent speaker at local and national meetings.

Timothy Schacherer, M.D.
Texas Orthopaedic Associates, L.L.P.
8210 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 130
Dallas, TX 75231
214-739-5029 (fax)

6200 West Parker Road, Ste. 516
Plano, TX 75093
972-378-1432 (fax)

Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery, Hand and Upper Extremity

Education: B.S., U.S. Naval Academy; M.D., Medical College of Virginia

Dr. Schacherer is a member Hampton Roads Orthopaedic Society, Alpha Omega Alpha National Medical Honor Society, and Past President, Society of Military Orthopaedic Surgeons. He is board certified in orthopaedic surgery with fellowship training in hand and microvascular surgery. He served as Chairman of the Department of Orthopedics and Director of Resident Training at Portsmouth Naval Medical Center from 1988 until his retirement from the Navy in 1994. Dr. Schacherer is Assistant Professor of Microvascular Surgery at the University of Health Science, Bethesda, MD and Assistant Professor of Orthopedics at UTSW. A private pilot, he also enjoys scuba diving.

David J. Zehr, M.D.
3600 Gaston Ave., Ste. 450
Dallas, TX 75246
214-823-2060 (fax)

Specialty: Hand Surgery, Orthopaedic

Education: B.A., Goshen College; M.D., Indiana University

Dr. Zehr is a board certified orthopaedic surgeon with an added qualification in hand surgery. His expertise includes microvascular surgery and replantations of the hands and arms. Dr. Zehr has practiced in Dallas since 1981 and has hospital privileges at Baylor University Medical Center. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery at Southwestern Medical School and is a frequent speaker on replantation possibilities and successes. Dr. Zehr is a member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Dr. Zehr enjoys wood carving, skiing, hiking, and traveling.

Gabriel A. Shapiro, M.D., FACP
Texas Cancer Associates
8230 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 706
Dallas, TX 75231
214-368-1611 (fax)

Specialty: Oncology/Hemotology

Education: B.S., Tulane; M.D., Oklahoma University School
of Medicine

Board certified in Internal Medicine, Oncology and Hematology, Dr. Shapiro is a Fellow of the American College of Physicians and a Diplomate of the National Board of Medical Examiners. For many years, Dr. Shapiro has served as Chief of Hematology/Oncology at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas. With special interest in breast cancer, medical ethics, and the patient-physician relationship, Dr. Shapiro has authored numerous articles and abstracts. He has served as Clinical Assistant Professor at UT Southwestern, Chair of the Bioethics Committee at Presbyterian Hospital, President of the Texas Association of Oncology Specialists, and is a member of Genesis Physicians Group.

Jivesh Sharma, M.D.
Texas Cancer Associates
8230 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 706
Dallas, TX 75231
214-368-1611 (fax)

Specialty: Oncology/Hemotology

Education: B.S., UT Arlington; M.D., University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston

With an internship and residency at the UT Health Sciences Center in San Antonio, Dr. Sharma’s core training is in cancer translational research (accelerating the delivery of new drugs from the “bench to the bedside.€VbCrLf) Board certified in Internal Medicine and Medical Oncology, he is a member of the clinical faculty at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas. Because of his interest in technology, he founded Health Integration Technologies, an internet company that serves the health care industry by supporting the patient/provider relationship. Dr. Sharma’s publications include articles on both medical oncology and technology. Dr. Sharma is a member of Genesis Physicians Group.

Nicholaos C. Bellos, M.D.
3801 Gaston, #300
Dallas, TX 75219
214-828-4890 (fax)

Specialty: Infectious Diseases

Education: B.A., Rice University; M.D., Baylor University College
of Medicine

Dr. Bellos is a member of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, American Society of Microbiology, American Academy of HIV Medicine, and a Fellow in the American College of Physicians. He is board certified in infectious diseases and internal medicine and vice chairman of the Department of Internal Medicine at Charlton Methodist Hospital in Dallas. He is currently involved in numerous clinical trials involving HIV medications, speaks both nationally and internationally on HIV infection, and is published in numerous infectious disease journals. He and his partner reside in Dallas and have two children.

Samuel J. Chantilis, M.D.
Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas
Margot Perot Building
8160 Walnut Hill Ln., Ste. 320
Dallas, TX 75231

Specialty: Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility

Education: B.A., Southern Methodist University; M.D., UT Southwestern Medical School

Dr. Chantilis is a subspecialty board-certified Reproductive Endocrinologist who assists couples having reproductive problems. A native Dallasite, he attended SMU and UT Southwestern Medical School before ultimately completing Residency in OB/GYN and Fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. In 1993 he joined the faculty at UT Southwestern Medical School. One of Chantilis’ accomplishments during his tenure at the medical center was directing the In Vitro Fertilization program. After five and a half years in academic medicine, Chantilis opened a private practice in January 1999 and is currently affiliated with the Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas ARTS Program.

Brian M. Cohen, M.B.Ch.B., M.D.
7777 Forest Lane, Ste. C-638
Dallas, TX 75230
972-566-6670 (fax)

Specialty: Reproductive Endocrinology

Education: M.B.Ch.B. and M.D. (post doctoral), University of Cape Town

Dr. Cohen is a board certified reproductive endocrinologist with over 25 years experience in fertility treatment, including ovulation induction and assisted reproductive technology. His in vitro fertilization and andrology laboratory is fully accredited by the College of American Pathologists’ Laboratory Accreditation Program. Dr. Cohen is renowned for his work in gynecologic microsurgery and is an international expert in fertility, having published extensively in a variety of books and journals. He is also an editor for several medical journals. He is past president of AAGL and DARE society. He is a member of the ASRM, ACOG, and a charter member of the SRS.

C. Venkata S. Ram, M.D., M.A.C.P., F.A.C.C.
Texas Blood Pressure Institute
13154 Coit Rd., Ste. 100
Dallas, TX 75240
214-358-2300, ext. 6412
214-366-6430 (fax)

Specialty: High Blood Pressure Expert, Cardiovascular Diseases

Education: Osmania (India), Brown University, University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Ram is an expert on the treatment of hypertension. Considered an international authority on high blood pressure, he has more than two decades of service at Parkland Memorial Hospital and the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School. He is now the Director of the Texas Blood Pressure Institute, Director of Medical Education and Research at Dallas Nephrology Associates, and a Clinical Professor of Internal Medicine at UT Southwestern Medical School. Dr. Ram has written over 220 articles and co-edited a textbook on hypertension. He and his wife, Asha, a registered pharmacist, are active in various community and professional organizations. They have two daughters.

Jack D. Gardner, M.D.
Clinical NeuroScience
1441 N. Beckley
Dallas, TX 75208

Specialty: General Adult Neurology, Epilepsy

Education: B.A., East Texas Baptist College; M.S., Texas Tech University; M.D., UT Southwestern Medical School

Dr. Gardner is board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. His professional and academic appointments include president of Clinical NeuroScience, a professional association of local neurologists, and Medical Director of the Neuroscience Center of Excellence at Methodist Hospitals of Dallas. Dr. Gardner has been featured by M.D. News magazine and recently named in the Guide to Top Doctors. He is a member of the Dallas County Medical Society, the Texas Medical Association, the American Medical Association, the Texas Neurological Society, and the American Academy of Neurology.

J. Michael Desaloms, M.D.
8230 Walnut Hill, Ste. 220
Dallas, TX 75231
214-373-3943 (fax)

Specialty: Neurological Surgery

Education: B.A., University of Texas; M.D., Baylor College of Medicine, Houston

Dr. Desaloms is currently in private practice at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas where he also serves as Surgical Director of the Fogelson Neuroscience Center. His practice focuses on brain tumors, spinal reconstruction, stereotactic and functional neurosurgery, and surgical treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. He is a member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Congress of Neurosurgeons, Genesis Physicians Group, and serves on the Board of Directors for the American Parkinson’s Disease Association. His work on Parkinson’s disease has been published in numerous medical journals and textbooks. Dr. Desaloms and his wife, Missy, reside in Dallas with their one-year-old twin daughters.

William Robert Hudgins, M.D.
8210 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 700
Dallas, TX 75231
214-691-3799 (fax)

Specialty: Neurological Surgery

Education: Pre-Medical Training, University of Oklahoma; M.D., University of Mississippi School of Medicine

Dr. Hudgins is board certified and has practiced in Dallas since 1975. He is now focusing his practice on spine surgery and Gamma knife radiosurgery of the brain. A strong believer in minimally invasive surgery, he treats spinal discs, protrusions, and spinal stenosis with microsurgery without a fusion and usually on an out-patient basis. He instigated the acquisition of the Gamma Knife at Presbyterian Hospital and has treated nearly 1,000 patients with it since 1989. Dr. Hudgins has published numerous articles in textbooks and medical journals, which are listed on his website. He is a member of Genesis Physicians Group.

Richard H. Jackson, M.D.
8230 Walnut Hill, Ste. 220
Dallas, TX 75231
214-373-3943 (fax)

Specialty: Neurological Surgery

Education: B.S., University of Oklahoma; M.D., University of Oklahoma College of Medicine

In neurosurgical practice since 1982, Dr. Jackson is currently the Chairman of the Neurosurgery Department at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas and past department chairman at St. Paul Hospital. Dr. Jackson is a Past-President and Secretary of the Texas Association of Neurological Surgeons. He is a member of the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, Congress of Neurosurgeons, the Texas Medical Association, and Genesis Physicians Group. His interest and specialties include microsurgery of the brain and spine. He most commonly treats conditions of herniated discs in the cervical and lumbar spine, tumors of the brain and spine, and pituitary tumors.

Jerry V. Marlin, M.D., F.A.C.S.
8220 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 604
Dallas, TX 75231
214-363-6996 (fax)

Specialty: Neurological Surgery

Education: B.A., Texas A&M University; M.D., University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston

With interest in microscopic and endoscopic spine surgery, spinal fusion, stereotactic craniotomy procedures, Dr. Marlin is board certified in neurological surgery. Dr. Marlin serves as a delegate from the Dallas County Medical Society to the Texas Medical Association. A member of the Bioethics committee at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas, he enjoys lecturing on Bioethics. Since 1995, Dr. Marlin’s practice has utilized computer technology creating a paperless office with electronic medical records and a patient-oriented website. Happily married to his wonderful wife Sandy, they have two daughters, Jackie and Melanie. Dr. Marlin enjoys coaching swimming and softball. He is a member of Genesis Physicians Group.

James A. Moody, M.D.
221 W. Colorado Blvd., Ste. 155
Dallas, TX 75208
214-948-8946 (fax)

Specialty: Neurological Surgery

Education: B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.D., University of Texas Medical Branch

Dr. Moody is a member of the Texas and American Medical Associations and is board certified. He is a member of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons and American Association of Neurological Surgeons. He has co-authored articles on laser surgery for tumors of the central nervous system, spinal surgery techniques, spinal and head trauma, and gunshot wounds to the brain. He has been a board member of the Dallas County Medical Society and the Texas Association of Neurological Surgeons. Dr. Moody and his wife, Patty, have six children and reside in Dallas.

Richard L. Weiner, M.D., F.A.C.S.
8230 Walnut Hill, Ste. 220
Dallas, TX 75231
214-373-3943 (fax)

Specialty: Neurological Surgery

Education: B.S., University of California, Los Angeles; M.D., Medical College of Wisconsin

Dr. Weiner is currently in private practice and a Clinical Associate Professor at UT Southwestern. His medical interests include general microneurosurgery (brain and spine) vascular neurosurgery, stereotactic radiosurgery (Gamma Knife), stereotactic neurosurgery for Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders, deep brain stimulation, Pallidotomy, and Thalamotomy. He also specializes in the treatment of chronic pain including spinal cord stimulation, peripheral nerve stimulation, occipital neuralgia, Trigeminal neuralgia, and cancer pain. Dr. Weiner is a member of numerous organizations including the Texas Association of Neurological Surgeons, American Association of Neurological Surgeons, American Pain Society, Leksell Society (Gamma knife), Texas Medical Association, and Genesis Physicians Group.

Norman Slusher, M.D.
Wadley Tower, Ste. 964
Baylor Medical Plaza
3600 Gaston Ave.
Dallas, TX 75246
214-826-1711 (fax)

Specialty: Ophthalmology

Education: B.S., University of Southern California; M.D., University of Missouri-Columbia

Dr. Slusher was named in the prestigious national “Guide to Top Doctors.€VbCrLf He is a member of the Clinical Faculty of Southwestern Medical School. He was Chief of the Department of Ophthalmology at Baylor University Medical Center and in 1999, was the President of the Dallas Academy of Ophthalmology. Dr. Slusher and his expert staff perform eye exams, treat glaucoma, fit glasses and contact lenses (including bifocal contacts), as well as perform state-of-the-art LASIK and no-stitch cataract surgery. Dr. Slusher is married, has two daughters, and is an avid marathon runner.

Craig C. Callewart, M.D.
Baylor University Medical Center, Dallas
Presbyterian Hospital, Dallas

Specialty: Orthopedic Spinal Surgery

Education: M.D., UT Southwestern Medical School

Dr. Callewart limits his practice to painful neck and back conditions. Commonly, these conditions begin as pain in the shoulder or hip area. With proper treatment, these pains can usually be controlled with exercise and medication. Dr. Callewart’s practice focuses on patients who have not improved after previous treatment. A life-long Dallas resident and son of an orthopedic surgeon, he is married to a Dallas native and they have two children. His hobbies include hunting and swimming his World War II amphibian. He practices with Huntly Chapman, M.D. and Robert Viere, M.D., and is the Medical Director of the Baylor Spine Center located at Baylor Dallas.

Michael J. Champine, M.D.
Texas Orthopaedic Associates, L.L.P.
8210 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 130
Dallas, TX 75231
214-750-1207 €. 214-739-5029 (fax)

6200 West Parker Road, Ste. 516
Plano, TX 75093
972-378-1438 €. 972-378-1432 (fax)

709 West Highway 243, Ste. B
Kaufman, TX 75142
972-932-2122 €. 972-962-2112 (fax)

Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery, Adult Reconstruction

Education: B.A., Texas A & M University; M.D., University of Texas Health Science Center

Dr. Champine is a board certified orthopaedic surgeon who has completed a fellowship in adult reconstructive surgery. His practice specializes in surgery involving the hip and knee, especially total joint replacement. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor at UTSW Medical School in Dallas and an Adjunct Faculty Preceptor at UNT Health Science Center in Fort Worth. Dr. Champine is involved in multiple national research studies, and his research has been presented at national and international meetings. Dr. Champine resides in Dallas with his wife, Julie, a radiologist at UTSW Medical School and his son, Michael.

Carl L. Highgenboten, M.D.
Orthopedic Associates of Dallas, LLP
7777 Forest Lane, Ste. C-106
Dallas, TX 75230
972-566-6364 (fax)

Specialty: Arthroscopic Surgery, Joint Replacement Surgery, Sports Medicine Surgery

Education: B.S., College of Pharmacy, University of Iowa; M.D., College of Medicine, University of Iowa; M.B.A., Southern Methodist University

Dr. Highgenboten is board certified in Orthopedic Surgery. His specialty training was at the Los Angeles County Harbor General Hospital and Los Angeles Orthopaedic Hospital. His primary area of interest and expertise is in the care of disorders of the knee. He has spent significant time with research and teaching efforts, particularly in arthroscopic surgical techniques, but also with development of instruments and techniques for improving total knee replacement surgery. He is the author of multiple professional articles and has lectured locally, nationally, and internationally. He is partner in Orthopedic Associates of Dallas, LLP and offices at Medical City Dallas.

Jim Montgomery, M.D.
5920 Forest Park Rd., Ste.600
Dallas, TX 75235
214-350-5731 (fax)

Specialty: Sports Medicine; Surgery of the Knee

Education: B.A., Texas Christian University; M.D., UT Southwestern Medical School

Dr. Montgomery specializes in Sports Medicine and surgery of the knee. In addition to his private practice, he is a Clinical Professor of Orthopedics at UT Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas. Montgomery graduated from and completed his Orthopedic Residency at UT Southwestern. Following that, he completed an AO fellowship and also one in Sports Medicine. His certifications include the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery. Since 1983, he has been active with the U.S. Olympic Teams. In 1988, he was the physician for the U.S. Ski Team and was head physician of the U.S. Olympic team for the 1992 games in Barcelona.

John A. Racanelli, M.D.
Texas Orthopaedic Associates, L.L.P.
8210 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 130
Dallas, TX 75231
214-739-5029 (fax)

6200 West Parker Road, Ste. 516
Plano, TX 75093
972-378-1432 (fax)

Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine

Education: B.A., University of Southern California; M.D.,
UT Southwestern

Dr. Racanelli is a member of the Texas and American Medical Associations and is board certified in orthopaedic surgery with a fellowship in sports medicine and arthroscopy. He is a Clinical Assistant Professor at UTSW Department of Orthopedics. He has authored numerous articles and book chapters in his area of expertise-knee and shoulder arthroscopy and reconstruction. Dr. Racanelli, who was a pitcher for the California Angels, believes that experience gives him a keen insight into sports medicine injuries and the dilemmas injuries pose to an athlete. He resides in Plano with his wife, Laura, and two children.

Kurt W. Rathjen, M.D.
Orthopedic Associates of Dallas, LLP
411 N. Washington, Ste. 7000
Dallas, TX 75246
214-823-1644 (fax)

Specialty: Orthopedic Surgery

Education: B.A., UT Austin; M.D., UT Southwestern

Dr. Rathjen specializes in disorders of the hip and knee. He performs a large volume of hip and knee replacements, arthroscopic surgery, and knee ligament surgery at Baylor University Medical Center. Dr. Rathjen completed his residency at UT Southwestern and received fellowship training at Johns Hopkins University. He is certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery and is a member of numerous medical organizations. He serves as a consultant to orthopedic implant manufacturers to aid in the design and development of hip and knee replacements. Dr. Rathjen and his wife, Sarah, have three children. He is active as an associate of the Dallas Museum of Art and is a member of Highland Park Presbyterian Church.

Charles S. Rutherford, M.D.
Orthopedic Associates of Dallas, LLP
7777 Forest Lane, Ste. C-106
Dallas, TX 75230
972-566-6364 (fax)

Specialty: Joint Replacement Surgery

Education: M.D.,
Southwestern School

Dr. Rutherford has a long-standing interest in joint replacement surgery of the hip, knee, and shoulder. He received fellowship training at the Mayo Clinic in adult reconstructive surgery and is certified by the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery. He is an active member of the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgery, American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons, and the Southern Orthopedic Association. His latest interest is in developing a minimally invasive unicompartmental knee replacement technique which allows for a quicker recovery than standard knee replacement surgery. Dr. Rutherford is married, has two daughters, and is an active member of Preston Hollow Presbyterian Church.

Robert R. Scheinberg, M.D.
Texas Orthopaedic Associates, L.L.P.
8210 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 130
Dallas, TX 75231
214-739-5029 (fax)

6200 West Parker Road, Ste. 516
Plano, TX 75093
972-378-1432 (fax)

Specialty: Orthopaedic Surgery, Sports Medicine

Education: B.A., Hendrix College; M.D., University of Tennessee College of Medicine

Dr. Scheinberg is board certified in orthopaedic surgery with a fellowship in sports medicine, knee, and shoulder surgery. He is Clinical Assistant Professor at UTSW Department of Orthopedics, Past President of the Texas Society of Sports Medicine, and a member of the Texas and American Medical Associations. The author of numerous papers and book chapters, he has presented scientific papers at national and international conferences. As team physician for the U.S. Ski Team and multiple local schools, he has a special interest in sports-related injuries, arthroscopic surgery, reconstructive knee, shoulder and elbow surgery. Dr. Scheinberg and his wife, Deon, reside in Dallas.

Presley M. Mock, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Texas Medical & Surgical
Associates, P.A.
8440 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste., 500
Dallas, TX 75231
214-345-1492 (fax)

Specialty: Otolaryngology
(Ear, Nose, & Throat)

Education: B.S., Southwestern University; M.D., University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio

Dr. Mock is a member of both the Texas and American Medical Associations and is board certified in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery and the American College of Surgeons. He is Chairman of the Managed Care Committee, Dallas County Medical Society and serves as the Texas Otolaryngology representative to the Carrier Advisory Committee for Medicare. Dr. Mock is also Chief of Staff of the North Dallas Ambulatory Surgery Center and President of Texas Medical & Surgical Associates. He, his wife Lynn, and their two children reside in Dallas.

Roger G. Skiles, M.D.
5452 Glen Lakes, Ste. 202
Dallas, TX 75231
214-363-9460 (fax)

Specialty: Otolaryngology

Education: B.A., Texas Tech University; M.D., Texas Tech School of Medicine

Board certified in Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery, Dr. Skiles’ special clinical interests include pediatric otolaryngology, the treatment of sinus disease, and general disorders of the ear, nose, and throat. He has served as Vice-Chair of the Department of Otolaryngology at Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas, has served on the Credential Committee for Surgery Center Southwest, and was elected Fellow of the American College of Surgeons. Along with memberships with several medical societies, Dr. Skiles is a member of Park Cities Presbyterian Church. Married to Laura with three children, Sarah, Martha, and Will, he is a member of Genesis Physicians Group.

Mary C. Carlile, M.D.
Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation
3505 Gaston Ave.
Dallas, TX 75246
214-841-2622 (fax)

Specialty: Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Education: M.D., University of Oklahoma

Dr. Carlile is a member of the Texas and American Medical Associations, the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine. Board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation, she is the Medical Director of Brain Injury Services at Baylor Institute for Rehabilitation. Dr. Carlile served as Chair of the Texas Traumatic Brain Injury Advisory Board to Governor Bush, 1998-99 and is President Elect of the Texas Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Society. She is active in the Brain Injury Association of Texas and the Greater Dallas Brain Injury Collaborative Group. Carlile and her husband, Bill, reside in Irving.

Robert W. Baird, M.D.
Baylor University Medical Center
3600 Gaston Ave., Ste. 206
Dallas, TX 75246

Specialty: Pulmonary, Critical Care

Education: B.A., University of Mississippi; M.D., University of Mississippi

Dr. Baird is in practice at Baylor University Medical Center. In addition to his private practice in pulmonary and critical care medicine, he is active in a leadership role in the intensive care units. Dr. Baird is board certified in internal medicine, pulmonary medicine, and critical care medicine. He has recently been instrumental in organizing and directing a hospital-based physicians group at Baylor. Dr. Baird also serves as medical director to several national life insurance corporations. He and his wife, Kelley, and children, Caroline, Grayson, and Griffin, reside in Dallas.

Andrew S. Gefland, M.D., F.A.A.P.
8210 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 718
Dallas, TX 75231
214-691-3107 (fax)

Specialty: Pediatric Pulmonary

Education: M.D., Baylor College
of Medicine

Dr. Gefland is a board certified pediatric pulmonologist. He started his practice five years ago. He is also clinical faculty at UT Southwestern, a member of the Cystic Fibrosis Care Team, and medical director of the Venticare Program at Our Children’s House at Baylor. He was the recipient of the Outstanding Community Practitioner Award given by the residents at Children’s Medical Center in 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2001. He enjoys working with patients, his associate Dr. Panesar, and his dedicated office staff. He resides in Plano with his wife, Donna, and four children, Jarod, Rikki, Kayla, and Katie.

Mark W. Millard, M.D.
4004 Worth St., Ste. 300
Dallas, TX 75246
214-820-9799 (fax)

Specialty: Pulmonary Medicine

Education: UT Southwestern, Yale-New Haven, CT, Boston University

Dr. Millard, Medical Director, Baylor Asthma and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Center says, “For me, practicing medicine is a great privilege and incredible joy. At the Center, we care for children and adult patients with breathing problems. Sitting down with my patient and finding a way to ease the burden of his or her illness is the most important and rewarding part of my practice.€VbCrLf In addition to caring for his patients, Dr. Millard developed the Center’s research and education programs and created the nationally-used “Rules of Two™€VbCrLf asthma education program. The Center provides specialized assessment, treatment, and education for patients with respiratory conditions.

Don E. Cheatum,
M.D., F.A.C.P., F.A.C.R.
Texas Medical & Surgical Associates
8440 Walnut Hill Ln., Ste. 400
Dallas, TX 75231
214-345-5732 (fax)

Specialty: Rheumatology

Education: B.A., Southern Methodist University; M.D., Washington University (St. Louis)

Dr. Cheatum is a member of the Texas and American Medical Associations and is board certified in Internal medicine and Rheumatology. He is a fellow of the American College of Physicians and the American College of Rheumatology. He has served on the National Council of Rheumatologic Care and the Carrier Advisory Committee for Medicare for Texas, and is on the staff of Presbyterian Hospital. He is a life-long resident of Dallas and a graduate of Highland Park High School. He and his wife, Carolyn, reside in the Dallas area and have two children at home.

Scott Zashin, M.D.
8230 Walnut Hill Lane, Ste. 818
Dallas, TX 75231
214-692-8591 (fax)

Specialty: Rheumatology

Education: B.S., Dartmouth College; M.D., Dartmouth Medical School

Dr. Zashin is Clinical Assistant Professor at UT Southwestern and practices at Presbyterian Hospital Dallas. His special interests include the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. He has been trained in acupuncture as a treatment for low back pain. Recognized as a Fellow by both the American Board of Internal Medicine and Rheumatology, Dr. Zashin was listed in Woodward-White’s 1999-2000 Best Doctors in America. He previously served on the Lupus Foundation Board and is a member of Genesis Physicians Group. Married to Angela with two daughters, Dr. Zashin is an active member and former president of the Dartmouth Club of Dallas.

James T. Coggins, M.D.
Pavilion I
221 W. Colorado, Ste. 414
Dallas, TX 75208
214-941-7633 (fax)

Specialty: Urology

Education: B.A., Texas Technological University; M.D., UT Southwestern

Dr. Coggins is a member of the Texas and American Medical Association and is board certified in Urology. He finished his urological residency at Parkland Hospital in 1970 and joined Southwest Urology. Since then he has served Methodist Medical Center as medical staff president, has been a long-term hospital board member, and currently is chief of the urology section. He has been a member of the kidney transplant team for 20 years. He practices general urology with special interest in urologic oncology and urologic complication of renal transplantations. He and his wife, Laverne, live in Dallas. They have two children.

The Best Doctors in Dallas (2024)
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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

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Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.