Support | PeaZip online help, zip unzip tutorial (2024)

OnlinePeaZip tutorial

This quick tutorial is a basic online user's guide for PeaZip free filearchiver supporting over 200 archive formats.
From PeaZip application, it is possible to access, pressingF1 key, to a minimal offlinelocalized tutorial covering basic topics and guide to most commonfunctions.
This tutorial page can be reached, from PeaZip, pressing Shift+F1, andFAQ section can be accessed pressing Ctrl+F1.
Additionalinformation canbe found in online help file(.pdf),that can be downloaded foroff-line help, and on Frequently AskedQuestions pages, in form of single topic question/answer articles -the help file is also featured in the application's installable andportable packages for offline usage (pressing Alt+F1 to open the PDFhelp file within PeaZip application); the online version is always uptodate with latest PeaZip release.

Change language

FromOptions >Localization you can select the application'slanguagedouble clicking the appropriate language file.
This changes the language of main application's texts: to learn moreabout how to translate system's menu, and to provide or improve atranslation, please read PeaZipTranslations page.

Howto use PeaZip filemanager andarchive browser

PeaZip freezip / unzip utilityis availablefor Linux, macOS, and MS Windows both as installablepackage and as natively portable application so it can be used fromremovable flash drives, orremote units, without needing installation.

PeaZipfile / archive browser

Application's title shows information on the current archive, theapplication's status bar givesmore detailed information on selected and displayed content.
Form Organize menu it ispossible to customize or hide any of the application bars, i.e:
- navigation bar (Ctrl+Shift+2) can be hidden (Ctrl+Shift+1) or displaya simple tree (Ctrl+Shift+3)
- status bar (Ctrl+Alt+1) can be hidden (Ctrl+Alt+0) expanded todisplay more information (Ctrl+Alt+2) or to show bookmarks(Ctrl+Alt+3),history (Ctrl+Alt+4), recent archives (Ctrl+Alt+5) or clipboard(Ctrl+Alt+6).

Organize >Applicationsallows to set association with customprograms and scripts to open / scan files inside archivesor in the file system(i.e. custom file viewers, virus scanners etc).

Onthe top of the app's window,the tool bar contains filecompression and archiveextractionrelated functions, and "..." Style button (on the right) providingquick UI customization settings.

Please note, onthe right of“Extract” button, an arrow shows a menu with functionsto directly extract all the content of the archive to most commondestinations without further interaction with extraction confirmationinterface

  • In the upper area are listed most commonextractionoperations: extract all to, allowing to select output directory (CTrl+Eor F12), extract all here (Ctrl+Alt+E), extract all to desktop(Ctrl+Shift+E), extract all to documents (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E), extract to1..3° bookmarked paths (if defined), and extract to defaultextraction path (if defined). Only first, second and third bookmarksare shown as quick extraction destination to not clutter the menu, butbookmarks 1..8 are all accessible with keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+1..8.Ctrl+0 extracts to previous path.
  • In the lower area it is possible to set mostcommonextraction options: extract to new folder, naming policy (only forformats supported through 7z frontend), open output path after the taskcompletes, set default extraction path.

Address barcontains navigation and search controls. It features a bredcrumb (whichshows highlighted in-archive nodes for maximum ease of use), and aquick navigationmenu (arrow button on the left of address bar): a similar menu forquick path's selection is available to set outputpath in extraction and compression interfaces (see below).

On the left, navigation barshows most common filesystem's paths (desktop, documents, downloadsetc) and user defined bookmarks; it canbe switched to a classic directory tree, a list of PeaZip zipper /unzipper functions byname, or hidden (Organize >Navigation bar).

PeaZip context menu

PeaZip's context menu showsarchive management features in the top area: compress, decompress(unzip / unrar...),test, set password...
In “Open with…” area it ispossible to force opening the input file as it is an archive, and toopen selected files and folders (in filesystem as well inside archives)withfavourite programs, scan with antivirus/antimalware etc; customapplicationscan be set in Options > Settings > Open with...
In "File manager" submenu arefeatured mass rename, secure file deletion,copy, move, renameand create newfolder functions; its "File tools" submenu allows to find duplicate files and to calculate checksum or hash ofselected/displayed files.
The application's context menu features other useful functions, likeaddobjects to PeaZip's bookmarks, explore paths with system's filemanager, open command prompt in the current path etc...

Set password

In the status bar, in the bottom area of the application, the padlockicon allows to set password to browse and extractencryptedarchives.

Drag & Drop

PeaZipfree file archiver supports standard Windows drag and drop extraction,and provides oprimized drag and drop extractionthat can drag from applicationto systemwithoutwriting data to system's temp directory: this allows the software tocomplete theoperation even if there is not enough free space in system's unit, itdoubles the speed if data is being dropped to a different disk orpartition, and it is intrinsically more secure as no data is writtenoutside the intended destination.
Drag from app to system canbe used both for extraction form archives and for robust file copy.
PeaZip also accepts drag and drop from systemto application, to addfiles to archive (new or existing) or toadd one or more archives to extraction list.

Preview files withPeaZip

Double clicking on a file in archive open it aspreview; if the file is changed PeaZip will ask to update the archivewith the newer version of the file - if archive extension is knownassupported for this this operation.

PeaZip's file manager can optionally show supported imagethumbnails (JPEG,GIF, PNG, TIFF, BMP), without caching; the option can be set inOrganize(main menu) or changing file browser's style from "..." Style menu inthe tool bar - pre set styles features details, list and large iconmodes.

Integrate PeaZip withsystem's context menu

PeaZip's entries in system's contextmenu:menu'sentries and file association in Windows are set by setup package, itcan be used any time it is needed without needing to unistall theapplication first.
Starting from Microsoft Windows 7 the menu items are sorted in acascaded submenuwith icons, since W7 introduces a new registry method to createcascaded menus which is now recommended over COM methods.
During installation all of the entries in context menu can be skippedand can be created in SendTo submenuif preferred.
The SendTo entries are link files created in SendTo system folderwhich, assuming C as system's disk, is located in C:\Documents andSettings\(username)\SendTo (Windows XP) orC:\Users\(username)\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo (Vista/7),it is possible to simply copy the desired SendTo links from one user toanother.

Archivefilesandfolders & convert existingarchives

Filearchiving/ Conversion interface:rightclick on the file list to show context menu to further edit thelist of files and folders to be archived, and other options.
"Output" area allows to select output path, archiving format,compression level, and to span files inmultiple volumes - useful in order to keep output size below amandatory maximum size, i.e. for e-mail attachments.
The padlockicon shows if encryption password isset and allows to set/change/remove it.
In file archiving interface it is featured "Convertexisting archives" option, to extract existing archivesbeforefile compression stage - i.e. to convertRARfiles to 7Z or ZIP format.
This option, used with "Add eachobject to a separate archive" option enabled, performs a massconversion of listed archives to the desired format; otherwise, withthe option disabled, archive conversion is meant to consolidate inputdata in a single archive, improvingdata compression performances becauseitallows recompression of the original data from its uncompressed form.
Advanced formatspecific file compression features are available in "Advanced"tab,"Console" and "Schedule"tab can beused to fine tune the task definition or to save and schedule the taskas a script.

  • Full supported (read/write, convert to) archiveformats: 7z,FreeArc'sarc/wrc,sfx (as 7z and arc self extracting archives), bz2, gz, paq/lpaq/zpaq,pea, quad/balz/bcm, rar (if WinRar is installed in the system), split, tar,upx, wim, zip / zipx

Read more about how toadd files to a new archive or how to compress eachfile into a separate archive.

Extractarchive files

Extractioninterface: rightclick onthe file list to show context menu to further edit the list of filesandfolders to be extracted (decompressed), and other options.
Editable extraction list allows to partially extractdata from the archive, extract all, or to extract from multiplearchives at once, even of mixed types - e.g. unrarall RAR archiveswhile unzipping all ZIP archivesin the list in a single pass.
The padlock icon shows if password is set and allows toset/change/remove it.
It is possible to set the policy in case ofconflict with existing files: skip (default), overwrite, renameexisting files, renameextracted files, or to ask interactively (in backend process' console).
Extract then move todestination switch supersedes naming conflict policy, and usesstandard system'sdialogs to interactively ask to users whether to overwrite existingfiles or not.
This type of interactive extraction allows more natural behavior forextractiontasks for the typical workflow of a desktop user, but policy method ispreferable when it is needed to run unatteded extraction tasks (theaction to take in case of existing files is already defined at thebeginning of the task), and when it is needed to export task definition as consolescript.
While performing a partial extraction of content from an archive, it isfeatured a link to switch to full archive extraction, on the top of thelist of objects listed for extraction.
Advanced formatspecific extraction features are available in "Advanced" tab, "Console"and "Schedule"tab can beused to fine tune the task definition or to save and schedule the taskas a script.

  • Read-only (open, browse, extract, list, test)supported archive formats: 7z,apk,bz2,gz, tar, zip, zipx, arj, cab,chm, cpio, deb, lzh, lha, rar,rpm, z, iso, Java (jar, ear,war), pet, pup, pak, xpi, wim, u3p,lzma86, lzma, udf, Apple's dmg, hfs, xz, exe, dll, sys, msi, OpenOffice /Libre Office (ods, ots, odm,oth, oxt, odb, odf, odg, otg, odp, otp, odt, ott), MicrosoftOffice containers (doc, dot, xls,xlt, ppt, pps, pot, docx, dotx, xlsx, xltx), Flash (swf, flv), quad,balz, bcm, zpaq,paq and lpaq families, ace [trough UNACE Plugin], arc, wrc, 001,pea, cbz... (and more, 200+ types supported)
Lern more about how toextract (multiple) archives at once, and how to extractselected content from archive.

Export and schedulescripts for archiving andextraction operations

From Console tab, featured infile archiving / conversion and extraction UIs, it is possible to transformthe task defined in the GUI interface into a command line scriptthatcan be edited (independently from the task definition in the GUIfrontend), clicking on the “Click to import…” label.
If the task definition is changed in the GUI the same label can be usedto refresh the task definition.
In extraction interface the “Click to import…” label can berightclicked to modify the command line for operating on all, displayedor selected objects, if partial extraction (unzip, unrar, untar...) ofcontent is supported forthe current archive type (7z, arc, rar, tar, zip…).
The task definition script can be edited, launched for testing, orsaved as a text file for future use, i.e. study, scripting, analysisetc.
By default, PeaZip prompts to save script in its “Saved scripts” folder(unique for each user) that can be opened from Tools in main menu.

Schedule tab,featured in archiving / conversion and extraction UIs only on Vista andnewer systems, is meant to help creating, in a single pass, a scheduleto run the script (i.e. backup and restore,etc) generated from the task defined in the GUI interface.
The schedule is identified by an unique, editable name, which is usedalso as file name for the saved scheduled script.
“Manage saved scheduled scripts” opens PeaZip’s Saved scheduled scriptsfolder so script files can be edited to modify the task definition(what does the task do), copied, deleted etc.
“Task Scheduler, manage tasks saved in PeaZip branch” opens system’sTask Scheduler, PeaZip’s tasks are collected in PeaZip subfolder ofscheduled tasks library (tree on the left of Task Scheduler window).
From system Task Scheduler it is possible to manage PeaZip’s scheduledtasks, i.e. for fine tuning the schedule (when does the task run), ordeleting obsolete tasks.
Schedule dropdown menu allows to set the schedule on an hourly, daily,weekly, or monthly base, or once, starting at specified start time.
Optionally, it can be provided different user/password for running thetask.

PeaZip free zip / unzipapp, on Linux, and BSD systems supporting multiple desktopenvironmentsand widgetsets, is a desktopneutralutility and as long as the needed libraries are installed (GTK2 or Qt,andia32-libs on 64 bit systems) it can be used on KDE, Gnome or other desktop environments.

PeaZip software is developed with Lazarus/Freepascal,which supports a wider range of systems and widgetsets (including BSDand Darwin / macOS systems), if youareinterested in porting the application check forthe sources on download page.
PeaZip is a desktop neutral program by design, and it is distributed onapp's domain as generic Linux packages not targeted to aspecificdistribution: it is meant to run on as many as possibledistributions/versions, and on multiple desktop environments.
It is recommended you check your distribution's repository to find ifa specific package fitting your needs at best has ben released bydistribution maintainers.

Pleasenote that ia32-libs arerequired to run PeaZip and any 32 bit binary on 64 bit Linux/BSDsystems.

PeaZipis a fully modular software due to its frontend/backendarchitecture, soany backend binary can be independently replaced with alternativeversions (i.e. 64 bit versions) as long as the same syntax is supported.
This design allows also to easily export tasks defined in the GUI ascommand lines, to be used for future iterations of the same task, orfor learning purpose, or to fine tune the operation beyiond the scopeand limits of the graphical interface.

PeaZip can beintegratedincontext menus of KDE and Gnome; allresources to manually integrate portable version of the program, orenhance installable version's integration, can be found in FreeDesktop_integration folder inprogram's path.
Instructions refers to a generic Linux system, but can be applied onsame desktop managers under BSD systems. Please note that differentdistributions and different flavours of BSD may differ in some defaultsystem's paths.
Nautilus scripts:manually copy'Archiving' folder, which is contained in 'nautilus-scripts', to youruser's profile '.gnome2/nautilus-scripts' folder; that folder ishidden, so you can either find it flagging 'View>Show hidden files'in Nautilus, or clicking on 'Scripts>Open scripts folder' in Gnome'scontext menu.
Konqueror (KDE 3.x)service menu (.desktop files): copy .desktop files from"kde3-konqueror" folder to (kde directory)/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus. Please note that KDE directory mayvary from distribution to distribution (or can even be customized bythe user at KDE installation); /opt/kde3 is usually a common place forinstalling KDE and is used, in example, in Suse and OpenSuse. The (kdedirectory) is specified in $KDEDIR in environment variable and can beoverridden by $KDEDIRS.
This integration is automatically performed by the installer.
Dolphin (KDE 4.x)service menu: copy .desktop files from "kde4-dolphin" to/usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/. Please note that somedistribution may use different paths. This integration is automaticallyperformed by the installer.
If the Qt versiondoes not start on some systems, as some system's visual styles maycause recursive repainting error, you can fix the problem starting itin a console (or script) as: peazip-style=cleanlooks

Synopsis: PeaZip onlinehelp. How to zip / unzip files online tutorial. Change application'slanguage, open archives with PeaZip file manager / archive browser,create new archives compressing files and folders, convert existingarchives, extract single and multiple archives, work with batchcompression and decompression scripts. PeaZip free rar zip softwareuser guide. Online zipunzip application manual.

Topics: PeaZip onlinehelp, change app language, create archives, extract files, scripting,advanced use

PeaZip > Online Help



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